Monday, August 08, 2005

What a weekend...

Well, we had a good weekend. Friday night when I got off work, Josh and I went to Sam's Club and picked up all the food and drinks for Saturday. Then we went to Taco Bell for dinner. After that we went over to Toys r' us and just looked around. That was fun. Josh and I checked out all the baby stuff. We haven't registered yet, but we have plenty of time still. There were so many cute things that I just wanted to buy right then and there. As soon as Isaac goes to school we are going to start putting the nursery together. Josh is going to paint Pooh and a few of his friends on the wall. We haven't figured out totally what we are going to do in there but we will for sure have a plan before we start. I would rather have it done way a head of time than to be in my later months and be struggling to do things. I don't have a big belly yet so now is the time to do it. We are doing the nursery in Classic Pooh style. I love it so much. It is so soft looking and it fits well with my personality too. I like the earth tones rather than bright colors. I like it to look more natural.

Okay, well back to the weekend, after Toys r' us we went to Petsmart and looked around for a bit, left there and went to Baskin Robbins. We got some ice cream and the flavor that I normally get didn't taste the same to me. Normally, I use to love it, but this time I couldn't even finish it. It was butter pecan. My taste buds have totally changed. We went to blockbuster on our way home and got the movie Hide and Seek. That was pretty good but Josh knew everything 20 minutes into the movie. He always figures movies out.

Saturday morning we woke up and took the youth group to Lake Medina. Brent took his boat out for us. He made several trips for all of us to be able to go on the boat. We anchored his boat in the water when he found a place that we could go swimming at. The last time I went in the lake to swim was when Josh and I first met and he took me to Lake Waxahachie. That was not very pleasent. There was creepy crawly things and seaweed and junk going up my legs. I did not like it at all. Me, being a Jersey shore girl and going in the ocean all the time with sand and crabs and shells, was not use to all this lake stuff. I'd rather swim in the ocean than a lake any time. Although, I must say that this lake was much more nice than Lake Waxahachie. I did like swimming in this one. Brent also took everyone tubing but obviously I didn't go. I just video taped Josh and Isaac when they both went. It looked like a lot of fun, but I don't think the baby would have enjoyed all that bouncing around. We ate sandwiches and hot dogs and played volley ball for part of the day too. All in all, it was a nice day. We got home around 7:30 and was pooped! We came home and went to bed.

Sunday morning is quite the obvious one, got up and went to church. After church the youth had a servant sale (aka Slave Auction) but some people thought it would be politically correct if we called it something different so there a "Servant Sale". Anyways, the youth raised about $700 for Speed the Light. That is some more money we can put towards our goal. Went to double dave's for pizza, came home and cleaned part of the house, and then went to church all over again. That is it! Now, I am sitting in front of my computer at work, procrastinating to get to work because I need a day of rest from my weekend. Gotta go work now. Write more later.


Michelle said...

Hey girl! Sounds like you had a very busy weekend. Mine was good, not too eventful but very nice and relaxing. I hope you have a better day, and you wake up. Thats one thing about me, i'm a morning Stephen told me I talk to much in the mornings...hehehe...oh well!

Jenny said...

Man, 'licia!! Sounds like you had another busy and eventful weekend. You make mine look boring. I hope you had lots of fun! Your nursery is going to be so cute. Can't wait to see it.