Tuesday, December 12, 2006

2 Years!

Yesterday was Josh and my 2 year anniversary. My ticker is a little off and I don't know why. Anyways, we went out to outback to eat and then went and saw The Nativity. Oh my that movie was so good. It made me have a whole new look on life. I told my mother-in-law thank you for being in the room with me at the hospital when I had Caleb because I just thought to myself how alone Joseph and Mary must have felt in that manger and none of their family members were there. And then to be able to have a son like Mary had. I couldn't imagine the thought she must have had going through her head knowing that he boy was going to save the world. I have read the story in the bible and have heard about it numerous times but to see it come to life in a movie was just amazing. Josh has something planned this weekend for our anniversary but will not tell me what it is. He has just told me what to pack. I am very excited because I love surprises. Well, I will talk to ya later. Oh, yes I will get some pics up asap.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

My goodness

Well, we are here and have been here now for a couple of weeks. It has been stressful and exciting all in one. We are living with Josh's grandparents for now in a little apartment that is built onto their house. It is nice knowing that we are wanted here unlike the other place. That has left us with a lot of hurt. Caleb is getting so big now. Ever since he started crawling if feels like he is becoming a little boy. He got his first tooth a day before Thanksgiving and of course he was not feeling good on Thanksgiving day. I thank God everyday for him. He is one true blessing even if he gets fussy sometimes. A fun story about the other night...Josh and I met with Danielle and went to go get Lacey a puppy for Christmas, which by the way is soooooo cute. Anyways, in order to get her to come home we told her that Josh and I had some family news that we wanted to share with every one. So of course she thought we were pregnant. We all sat around in the living room and Danielle passed out the stockings and said okay we are having a new addition to the family and we are going to see if it is a boy or a girl and when Lacey opened up her stocking it was a dog collar with a tag on it. She started crying. It was so cute. Then Danielle went to go get the puppy out of the garage and brought it to her. She was so happy and surprised. So we kinda had an early Christmas. It was fun. About the moving, please pray that I get a job and I get one fast! We are trying to buy a house and obviously it would help if we had 2 incomes. I have an interview with Lifestyles Christian School tomorrow and then I have put my application out for the Conroe ISD. I need to pray hard that something will open up for me to take. Well, I need to go to bed. I will try and write more later. Until then God Bless