Thursday, July 31, 2008

The reason I smile!

Trying to entertain while Daddy was away in Mexico
He found a whole book of little stickers and used them all

Just a few recent pictures of my little man
He always gives me a reason to smile

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hospital Outfits for the both of them

Aren't they the cutest! My mom bought them for both of the kids. I couldn't decide which one I wanted for her and so we got both of them. Now, Caleb can feel big just like the doctor and where is dr. outfit for the day she is born. I can't wait to get some pics of both of them in it. I had to order them online so hopefully Caleb's will fit.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

the name game

Okay, so my week has been a bit more calm since Monday. I am just trying to make the time go by fast so that we can see Josh on Saturday. I have been searching the internet trying to find a name that sticks out and I can't seem to get past the name Sadie Rae. Josh and I both like it and the meaning in itself is cute (Princess). I am just having a hard time settling. I think I may just have to see her little face to name her.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A day from the Devil himself!!!

Yesterday had to have been the worst day I have had in a long time. First of all, Josh left for Mexico yesterday morning. He is taking several teens and colleges students on a missions trip down there for a week. Pray for them though because of that Dolly Hurricane. Hopefully, it will all work out for them. Next, I go to walk my dogs. First, I took Sidney (my bassethound) out. She is so easy, laid back, SLOW, and just a great dog to have for me and kids. She went to the bathroom and then I came back inside to get Roxy (the HYPER, obnoxious, lab). Well, normally we walk her on a choke chain, which to me if a dog is that uncontrollable than it isn't even worth having that kind of dog. Don't get me wrong she is a great dog as far as being sweet or friendly, she is just way to hyper and jumps up all the time and knocks Caleb over just cause she thinks she is little. Anyways, when I went to take her out I could only find the other kind of leash that winds up. She went both and then I was getting ready to walk her back inside, I didn't notice it but she took off running the other direction. That knocked me completely on my back. It knocked the wind out of me for a few seconds. Caleb was standing at our apartment door and said "Momma, you okay?" So sweet! It hurt really bad. I knew that I had a dr. appt yesterday so I was just going to tell her then what happen. Oh it gets better. I drive 30 minutes to get to my dr's office, sign in, and right as I am about to sit down the lady at the front desk yells out "Miss Alicia", but pronounces it the spanish way, which I always tell them it is A-LEASH-A, "before you sit down and get comfortable, please come here." So I walk over there with Caleb in the stroller and she tells me like I was still across the room "You do know your appt. was at 10:45 and not 11:45 right?" I told her "Had I known that then I would have been here at 10:45". She reschedule me for 3:00 that afternoon. So I went and did some grocery shopping for Caleb and I while Josh is gone this week, and then went back for my appt at 3. I get there, sign in, and found my receipt from last week with the appt. time on it. It said 11:45!!!!!!!!!!! I was soooooooooooo pissed. If you had ever seen a pregnant woman pissed imagine me times 10. I walked my butt up there and told the lady off! I felt bad afterwards but she should have not embarrassed me like that early that morning after the long morning that I had already had. So, I wait 40 minutes in the waiting room with Caleb. Poor kid, he was trying to be good but how long can a 2 year old wait. Not long for those of you who already have a 2 year should know. I get called in and my dr. came in the room with a nice big smile. Poor lady, she had no idea that I was going to unload on her. I told her all about what happened that morning with the dog and then her receptionist and in the middle of the story I started to break down a little. So she got me hooked up to a stress test to monitor the baby's heartrate and the contractions. She said it was a little high as far as the results go but it would be that way after the day I had. She also said that there was a contraction but it wasn't anything too strong to worry about. Then she had me go into the ultrasound to check everything out in there. Everything looked fine and the baby's head was facing down. After seeing and hearing her heartbeat, it made me feel so much better. So yeah that was my day yesterday! Now, I am very sore today. Hopefully, I can just relax and take lots of tylenol for the pain in my back to go away.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Because he's so cute!!!

Caleb cracks me up everyday. I could write a novel with all the funny things he says. Yesterday, I had just got out of the shower and I guess because I am growing "everywhere" on my body, Caleb is starting to notice it more so. I was getting dressed and he walked over to me, as I was putting my bra on, and he said "Momma, what er you doin with those!" It was hilarious! I started laughing so hard that I almost had to run to the bathroom. That is what normally happens because of my bladder being so weak now. He started laughing with me. He had no idea why he was laughing. He was just laughing because I was. My chest has become rather large and even he doesn't know what to do with them! Gosh, it was too funny. I look in the mirror sometimes and just think "these things have to weigh at least 20lbs!" I mean seriously, I know I have gained weight in other areas of my body but these things are packing some serious weight. Well, that is just my funny story for the evening. I love how Caleb throws humor back at me when I am feeling bummed about my body. It is great!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

time to think

I am still awake at 12:30am. I have been having a hard time sleeping lately. During the day I seem to keep myself pretty busy with Caleb, packing the apartment up, and all the church events. I have had to make myself slow down a bit though. The contractions have been coming quickly and pretty strong lately. It kinda makes me nervous. My boobs have already started to leak too! I don't remember that happening with Caleb that early. I guess that means that I will have a good milk supply. I am going to try the whole breastfeeding again. I am not going to say how long or how short, I am just going to do it until I feel the need to be done. I don't want to get myself all frustrated over it. This little girl is getting mighty strong in here too. She is constantly moving around and pushing things out of her way to make herself feel comfortable. I feel like she is going to break my hip bones sometimes. Just when I think I can't take it anymore she pushes a little harder! Her characteristics in the womb are even different then when Caleb was in there. When Caleb use to get hiccups he just seemed to deal them and lay there. When this little princess gets them, she tends to get very frustrated and she starts getting very wiggley. It is cute. I almost think that I can calm her down if I rub on my belly a little harder than usual. It is amazing that God already knows her and her likes and dislikes. He knows everything about her and yet we have so much to learn about her. I pray that she worships Him like no other. I also pray that her heart will be completely devoted to Him. On that note, I am going to try and close my eyes and get some rest. I will post more later

Monday, July 14, 2008


Like I said before, the family on Josh's side just keeps getting bigger and bigger! Congrats to Brian and Lindsey on their pregnancy. We are very excited for y'all. Can't wait to hear more about it.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hap and Meme's 50th Anniversary/Family Reunion at Lake Conroe

Hap and Caleb having fun out on the deck
the sisters that made it all happen

Caleb and Camden

Josh tubing on the back of the boat

Our little family

Dustyn, Josh, Jeremiah, and RC

Lacey and I out on our fishing trip

Josh's favorite place to be

Caleb was so proud of his Daddy and the big fish

Beautiful sunset on Lake Conroe

Caleb and Lexi sharing the water hose

Papa playing with Caleb in the yard

Momma and Caleb on the boat

Caleb kissing Daddy

Caleb kissing Momma

Aunt Wacey! (Lacey)
Bub getting ready to go down to the water

Daddy taking Caleb on the jet ski

Nana and Caleb

Lexi and Caleb playing with the sprinkler

We had a blast! I loved getting to see Meme and Hap for their 50th Anniversary! It was so nice to be able to get to see all the family. Caleb loved playing with his little cousin Lexi. I had so much fun being able to play dominioes with everyone. Pam and Danielle almost had me peeing my pants because of their nursing story at 1:00 in the morning. I had to run to the bathroom it hurt so bad! I don't think that this little girl has ever experienced me laughing so hard. All the sisters had me laughing with their country talking that progressively got worse the later it got. Josh had such a great time being able to spend lots of moments with Dustyn out on his boat. Those two love fishing and especially love it when they are together fishing. It feels like it went by fast and yet when we were there it felt like at times it was going so slow. The family is getting bigger and bigger everytime we get together. Lindsey and her new man Brian weren't able to come cause they were in Africa but maybe we will see them for Thanksgiving or Christmas and by that time we will have added to the family again with our little girl. Wow, it is crazy to think that probably the next time I see all the family we will have TWO kids. I am so excited. Well, I just wanted to get some pics up for now. Hope y'all had a great weekend. Melissa, we are getting closer and closer!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

this girl is moving around!

So, lately I have been having some pretty uncomfortable contractions. They are not fun or exciting at all. I am very glad that we are going to have her a little early because I think she was already planning on coming out early anyways. I am only 28 weeks and still have 10 planned weeks to go before I am going to deliver her. It seems like such a long ways away especially since I have been having these contractions. I have a doctors appointment on Monday so hopefully she can give me some tips on how to keep these things under control. I mean they are under control but maybe she can tell me some way to keep them from happening. I don't know. Wishful thinking maybe. Anyways, we had a relaxing 4th of July with some friends of ours and just ate, played disc golf, and hung out at their house. Nothing crazy! Just the way I like it.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

By now nothing surprises me!

God is awesome! He is completely faithful in every way even when you think you are going to plan things the way you want it to go, He always has His will. And His will is the best!!! Okay, so friday night Josh and I are laying in bed in Houston at his parents house. Caleb just fell asleep. Josh says to me "So, do you think I would be completely crazy if we looked around the church one more time to see if there was anything out there that we could afford?" And I just told him that nothing is crazy anymore to me. Ever since I married him my life has always had surprises. Anyways, we talked about it and then fell asleep. Sunday night we went to see Joel Olsteen preach in San Antonio ATT Center. He was saying that we may think we have the best and it might be something really awesome, but God has His plan for us and sometimes we just need to listen. We came home that night and Josh found on the internet a house that was for sale in a neighborhood 2 MINUTES from the church. The realtor advised us and said that we were sitting good and that he would let us know as soon as he hears from the bank. We were a little worried because the other bidder was a lawyer. Anyways, Josh got the answer back today and the realtor told us that we must have been praying really hard because we beat the lawyer! WE WON THE BID ON THE HOUSE!!! The house is 2300 square feet, 3 beds, 2 1/2 bath, dining room, family room, game room, lots of trees in the front and back yard, all brick sides, huge master 19 by 19, walk in closets in every room, and the laundry ROOM is upstairs next to all the bedrooms with lots of shelves. The floor plan is everything I had ever wanted. We are going to pull up the carpet and put new carpet and wood flooring in and also tile in the kitchen and baths. There is a little work to be done but God is so awesome. We only have to drive 2 minutes to get to the church! We will be saving so much money on gas. Oh and Caleb's elementary school is right in the neighborhood along with a pool and playground for the kids. It is just amazing how we think we may have everything planned out and then God steps in and works His will out for you. So we will close on August 5th and have plenty of time to get ready before the baby comes. Caleb has already claimed his room. So cute. Anyways, we are just too excited about it all. God is Good!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

28 Weeks belly pic

Growing right along! I'll post more later. I need to go make dinner for both of my growing children.