Friday, July 18, 2008

Because he's so cute!!!

Caleb cracks me up everyday. I could write a novel with all the funny things he says. Yesterday, I had just got out of the shower and I guess because I am growing "everywhere" on my body, Caleb is starting to notice it more so. I was getting dressed and he walked over to me, as I was putting my bra on, and he said "Momma, what er you doin with those!" It was hilarious! I started laughing so hard that I almost had to run to the bathroom. That is what normally happens because of my bladder being so weak now. He started laughing with me. He had no idea why he was laughing. He was just laughing because I was. My chest has become rather large and even he doesn't know what to do with them! Gosh, it was too funny. I look in the mirror sometimes and just think "these things have to weigh at least 20lbs!" I mean seriously, I know I have gained weight in other areas of my body but these things are packing some serious weight. Well, that is just my funny story for the evening. I love how Caleb throws humor back at me when I am feeling bummed about my body. It is great!


Jamie said...

Seriously! I know what you mean! (already!)So weird how something so tiny (at this point for me at least) can make such a major impact on your whole body!

Melissa said...

That's stinking HILARIOUS!!!! How very observant! :) Aren't we *lucky* that children say what they think?? :)

Mama PC said...

hi Alicia! when's she due? remind me!

KriSTeN said...

LOL that's hilarious... well i dont have a kid to say stuff about my body but my husband makes his own comments. LOL
mine are bigger and i know they are going to just get bigger and he will be watching for sure... i just laugh at him and say well they will be for work soon and not anything else!!!

thanks for the comment. ya i dont think it's gas... i have had plenty of that and it feels different... this is so exciting!

Jenny said...

caleb is just so funny! yea, my hubby made comments to me too...i'm sure camden will one day!

KriSTeN said...

oh by the way you are exactly 17 weeks ahead of me!!! you will be 31 tomorrow and i will be 14... how cool!