Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Alicia & Josh Posted by Hello

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Okay, hopefully soon I will be taught how to put pictures and stuff on here and make it more exciting. It has been a very frustrating couple of days. The crap that we have to put up with sometimes really is annoying. I guess it only makes you stronger and have better character but man alive! I just want to stick my tongue out like a little kid and just say leave me alone. I knew life was gonna be difficult but come on!

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Brian "Head" Welch

How very exciting!!! This is quoted straight from the interview taken with Brian Welch.

Mathew 11:28 and to me it's god saying, "come tell me and seek me with all your heart and i will take away all of your pain inside and will never judge you because i love you and all I want is for you to come to me with everything in life first." i'm also getting another tatoo on the other side of my neck called mathew 6:19 which is also my birth date. that verse basically says don't store your treasures on earth and don't worship money or fame like it's god. so with that said, i'm funding my life story to glorify god and i will put it out somewhere in the near future. andagain i will not keep any of the profit. i'm gonna be like the osbournes but it's focusing on me and god and how much of a sense of humor i have with him but also how much i obey him. for example, THE JESUS TATOO ON MY HAND KEEPS ME FROM MASTERBATING AND I HAVEN'T BEENWITH A WOMAN SINCE MY EX WIFE LEFT ME ALMOST 5 YEARS AGO. I go to those extremes to be like christ and it works for me. I'm moving my own camra crew in my house on monday. my goal is to glorify god and show the world how much fun this life is. So I invite everyone in the world to get some popcorn and sit back and watch how he uses me to glorify himself. god rules and believe me, everything I say to you, 50 cent, or whoever it is, i'm also saying it to myself probably even more! i never said I was perfect and I fall everyday like every man, paster, preacher, woman, child, whoever, we're all human.

We need more people to be excited like this about God. This is an awesome witness. I can't wait for his new album to come out.

Brian has big plans for his new record stating, "I'm gonna finish my record quick and then sell it on my website," He explains. "That way, there are no hands on the money that I make, so I can give it back to my people by building something positive, like a skatepark or something." Brian wants everyone to know that suggestions are welcome. "It's [the fans'] money!" One piece on the new album, will be an instrumental guitar solo with a background piano. It is called, "A Letter To Dimebag." Brian explains, "It is written in guitar language, and I did it because he used to tell me we needed to put guitar solo's in Korn. So, this song's for him, and to him. It's saying how much I miss him. Even though we weren't too close, his very friendly personality had a great impact on me!" Brian concludes, "This cd is full of heart-grabbing music man! I can't wait to get it out!" So, feel free to give suggestions.

All of these quotes are taken right off his new website. It is called www.headtochrist.com. You should go check it out. I'll have more to write later. I have to get back to work.


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Running Late

well, today I did a record for myself. I woke up with my alarm at 6:30am, shut it off, got back in bed cuddle with Josh, and FELL ASLEEP! The next thing I know I jumped out of bed at 7:00am, looked at my clock, and thought oh %@(#!!! I jumped in the shower, brushed my teeth, blowdried my hair, fed the dogs, and was out of the house and on the road by 7:30am. Got to work at 7:50am and was ready to go. I don't think I have ever got ready that quick. I hate that feeling cause then you feel rushed for the rest of the day. Funny, it's 8:45am now and my boss isn't even here. I guess the same thing happened to her, but I she doesn't have the skills like I do.
On the other hand,

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


41 degrees in San Antonio, wet, stormy, and I am sleepy. It is definitely a Wednesday. I would love to be in bed right now. Josh had the guys over last night to finish up writing their songs that they are making for their demo. They are really cute. They really do try and make me happy. They all went into the guest bedroom so that they wouldn't be loud. I couldn't hear a thing. It was great. I still didn't get a good night sleep. It wasn't from them though, I just had a rough night. Josh and I made spaghetti last night. When we went to sit down he was really cute. He tried to be all romantic and shut the lights off and lit some candles. It was a sweet idea, but it didn't last long because we couldn't really see the food. Well, I gotta get some work done. I will write later.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Pounding head

I have a huge headache. I think the sickness from Josh is being passed onto me minus the sinus congestion. My head feels like someone is hitting me with a bat over and over again. Again, I want to go home. Ya'll probably think I hate my job, but I really like it, it's just that last week Josh wasn't feeling good and now this week I'm not. Thanks for all the prayers for Josh though. He has really kicked back into motion. Back to the good ol' Josh again. Well, Friday it was a threemonthiversary. Guess what we did!?! Nothing! And I loved every minute of it. We just laid around and watched TV all night until we got tired of that and then we went to bed and just fell asleep cuddling. It was great!!! Just laying there and cuddling was the best feeling ever. Well, I am gonna get back to work and I will try to write later.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Dentist...they are evil!

Yeah okay, so I went to the dentist here at my job. 4 Cavities!!! I have little creepy crawly things running around my mouth. EEWWW gross. So now I have to get them filled, but no way am I gonna use silver fillings. The tooth colored ones cost more but I hate the look and the feeling of those other kinds. On the other hand, they said that I have an awesome line up in my mouth and that I have a big enough mouth to fit my wisdom teeth. So I don't have to get them pulled if I don't want to although they are harder to clean and if they get infected then all the other ones around them will get infected too. I don't know what I should do. If you have any insight on teeth let me know. That is my biggest thing that sceeves me out. I don't know if I spelled sceeves right but oh well you get the point. So 4! I still can't get over that.

Ya'll probably think I don't do work! Ha ha, I do but I have to take little breaks here and there because I think I have ADD and I get easily interrupted by other things. There ya go! My visit with the dentist was horrible just like I expected. I hate going to the dentist. I always did and I always will.

All about Josh

Well, Josh is still sick. We had to go get a kat scan done on him last night and now we are waiting for the results. I'm sure he will be fine. We just wanted to make sure that way we wouldn't regret anything. Nothing else new really. I am sitting here at my desk, watching the clock, and counting down the hours until I get to go home. Thanks GOD for weekends!!!! I feel like I never get a rest. It's either something here at the office or something at home or something at the church. There is never a dull moment in my life. But then again, I am sure that is how a lot of people feel. I do have something that no one else has and that is I am married to Josh Allard. Anyone who knows him knows there is never a dull moment! It's exciting and I am so happy about being married to him.

It has been three months today! It feels like we have accomplished a lot so far for it only to be 3 months. I feel like we have been married for years. Not saying it in a bad way, I just feel really comfortable with our relationship. Yeah, it's crazy to think that 3 months ago we were just getting married. If I could do that day all over again I would over and over again. I loved the feeling that I had the whole day and that whole night. It felt so great to know that I was going to spend the rest of my life with someone so awesome and someone who met all of my needs. In high school I had completely turned away from God. My life was in a downward spiral, which when I got to the end of it, I knew it. I felt like I had hit a wall and couldn't go any further. I had been in an unhealthy relationship and had many unhealthy friendships. I was living a sinful life. Anyways, after being in a community college and feeling like my life was going no where in my career and relationships, I knew that I had to do something. So I put applications out to two different colleges. One was my choice, University of Southern California, and then my mom's choice was Southwestern Assemblies of God University. I told her that I would just go to SAGU for a semester and then I wanted to transfer out. I really wanted to go to USC, but my parents knew and I guess heard God's voice saying that I needed to be at SAGU. Well, I get to SAGU and within the first week of being there I met Josh. I thought he was the hottest guy ever! I didn't want to stay at the college but I wanted to meet him. Long story short, during spiritual saturation week I got saved all over again. During that week I prayed to God to about Josh. Even before I went down to school, I prayed that God would just bring someone to me that was a christian. I wanted to be with someone that had the same beliefs as me. Josh and I have been through A LOT! and I am sure that our close friends can agree with that, but because of His faithfulness and our faithfulness to Him, we are together. For that, I thank God everyday.

Man, I didn't think that I would get into all that, but I did! I love my husband of 3 months!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Help, Help, Help!

I am stuck here at work when I should be home helping my husband to feel better. Poor Guy! He has been on and off sick for the past week now. He woke me up this morning around 2:30am not feeling good. So, I took his temperature. MAN ALIVE!!! It was 103! Last week he had passed out on me and I had to give him a sponge bath. He has had it rough for awhile now. I feel helpless though because I have to work and can't be there to help him. Well, I am still working, but I will write later when I get home if I have time.

AliciaAllard: AliciaAllard


Wednesday, March 09, 2005



I don't know how to do this thing yet! Just testing it out.