Friday, May 30, 2008

Names I am considering...

I have already chose the name Rae for her middle name. I am naming her that after my dad Ray, but thought since it was a girl that I would change the spelling a little.

Alivia Rae- which Alivia means Life and I thought it was cute cause then it would be my name but just change the c to a v. You could also call her Liv or Livi.

Maddalyn Rae-Maddalyn means Magnificant and also I like Maddy for short.

Sadie Rae-comes from the name Sarah in the Bible which means Princess, and let me tell you how much this little girl is already a princess and is going to be one when she arrives.

I am really not sure yet though. Josh got to name Caleb and their names go together perfect, so he said that I could totally name her. Of course he would have to like it but he has liked everyone so far. Decisions decisions. We have some time left but I have been thinking non-stop of names. I am big person on meanings so that is what makes it a little more difficult cause if I like the name and not the meaning then I have to start all over again. Anyways, I just needed to write this down so I can remember them. My mind as a pregnant person has become very forgetful. Hope y'all have a great weekend.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The weekend

And what a weekend it has been. It was a very good one but long. I do have to say there was one thing that was not good. Saturday, we decided to get up and go to Boerne Lake. We got all packed with our lunches, fishing poles, and kayaks. We got out to the lake around 1:00. We were setting up chairs and trying to get everything in it's place. I had just got done putting sunscreen on Caleb and then he wanted to go in the water. Not unusual. The kid loves the water. So I was putting the life jacket on him and snapping it all up when he slipped out of my hands and fell flat on his head. I picked him up as quick as I could and was saying "you're okay". A lot of times if Josh and I don't over react or baby him, he brushes it off too like it was no big deal. Well, this time it was a big deal. All of a sudden I noticed there was a stream of blood coming from the top of his head hitting the rocks on the ground. Josh grabbed him and I got his t-shirt and put ice in it. We both were trying to take turns applying the pressure because being the Caleb that we had after like 2 minutes he was trying to get away again and go down to the water. Anyways, we had to pack everything up and drive him to one of those clinics in town. They cleaned it off and put some kind of skin glue on it to keep it shut. Poor baby. I felt so bad for him. It was very scary to me as a mom to see a stream of blood coming out of my child's head. I am sure that is not the first and last. He was just getting me ready for the future years. Caleb is a daredevil and he thinks he can do anything. I don't want to discourage him either because if he keeps that mentality then he will get far in life. I love that about him. He keeps me on my toes. It is never a dull moment with him. So, he is okay now.

Sunday, after church, we drove to Houston for a multi-purpose trip. We went because Josh was going to help Michael put flooring in his new house that he is help build, to see the family, and for Josh's cousin's wedding. Sunday was nice and relaxing. After traveling to get there, Caleb went down pretty good in the evening and so I got to stay up and have a girls night to watch the finale of Grey's Anatomy. What a great show! Then Monday Danielle, Lacey, Melissa, the kids, and myself went to the mall for a little bit. That was nice to get to just run around as girls. Monday night we went to Lindsey's wedding. She looked so pretty and happy. Their wedding was different but it was very nice and it fit her personality.

It was SOOOO fun and nice to finally meet in person Lindsay and Deborah!!! I wish we could have done something together but maybe next time. I'm sorry if I left without saying goodbye but I had to make sure we say goodbye to all the family since we don't get to see them that much. Lindsay, Preslyn was so cute and it was neat to see her in person too after keeping her and Ella in prayer. Being 5 1/2 months pregnant combined with heat and running after a two year old made my night a little crazy. It all was great though.

Tuesday, Caleb and I took lunch to Nana's hospital so we could eat with her. That was nice. He loves his Nana a lot! And then we ate at Chili's later on before driving out of town back home. All in all, it was a great weekend!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

House and Belly pic updates

Our house
Another pic of the backyard
Belly pic at 21 weeks 3 days
21 weeks 3 days
Look how big I am getting! I didn't carry Caleb like this. I went out in the front with him and this one I am going to the sides. Watch out Shakira! My hips don't lie!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The story

Okay, so we thought we were going to wait it out. I never wanted to. I wanted to find out right away but I was trying to honor Josh's wishes. We had decided that we were going to get the doctor to circle boy or girl in an envelope and then if we ever wanted to we could look at it. As we were in the office waiting for her to come in Caleb was walking around the room saying "baby sisar, baby sisar" over and over again. Josh said that there was 75% of him that wanted to know right then. So, I said "well, 75% can find out right now". When the doctor came in she started doing the ultrasound and Caleb was looking at the screen saying "baby". She took all the measurements and I thought I had seen at one point what it was. It was quite obvious by the picture what "it" was. I didn't want to say anything so I just smiled and continued watching the screen. Bubba, then started saying "baby sisar" again. We told him we don't know. He kept correcting us. "No, baby sisar". So the doctor asked "do you want to know?" And I waited for Josh to say anything. He said "okay!" I was so excited. So while this is all going on we have Caleb in the background still saying it. The doctor went to the "goods" part and said "well, I think He is right!" "He is going to have a baby sister!" So cute. Caleb new the whole time. He started saying it weeks ago and we just had to tell him we don't know. He would always correct us. That is our story. It's a fun one and will be cute to tell her when she gets older that her big brother new all along what she was going to be. It is so weird because Caleb would wake up sometimes and roll over to me and tell me about his baby sisar. I am sure God was speaking to him in his dreams.
I can't wait to see her little face and welcome her home. I am not sure on the name thing yet. I know her middle name will be Rae. I am naming her after my dad Ray but we are going to spell it the girly way. So she will be Something Rae Allard. It is so weird that I am going to have a little girl. I am not sure I will know what to do. Caleb is lucky sometimes if he even gets his hair combed before we leave. I do know one thing though that when she is big enough she will be wearing Roxy clothing. I love Roxy and they make the cutest little girl stuff. Anyways, I have a lot of thinking to do and planning and preparing. I am glad we found out because if I would have had her and not known it was a girl I would have been so unprepared.
Oh another quick funny story about Caleb yesterday. I was changing into my pajamas and Caleb walked into the bathroom and looked up at me and said "Momma, that's your boobies!" I laughed hard and said yes. He just looked at them and was probably trying to figure out why they were so big compared to his. So cute how he just comes up with the most random things. I love it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008


The doctor's appointment went well on Monday. The baby is growing strong in there. All the measurements looked great and the doctor said I was doing well also. I have gained roughly about 16 lbs so far give or take. I am in the "feel great" stage right now. The first few months was all about throwing up and now for the easy months until I hit the last couple of months where you get no sleep at all!
Caleb is doing great. He is talking so much now. He uses complete sentences to tell me what he needs. It is great. As soon as we are done with Mother's Day out (the end of this month) I am going to go full force with the potty training. I had started it awhile back but with the whole pregnancy thing and me running to the bathroom to throw up and then no consistency with MDO, it just made things really hard. But we will have June and July to work on things. The house should be done end of July or beginning of August. I am hoping for some time so I can work on the baby's room before it gets here. We know what color to decorate it now so that will be fun. Post more later! :)