Friday, March 11, 2005

All about Josh

Well, Josh is still sick. We had to go get a kat scan done on him last night and now we are waiting for the results. I'm sure he will be fine. We just wanted to make sure that way we wouldn't regret anything. Nothing else new really. I am sitting here at my desk, watching the clock, and counting down the hours until I get to go home. Thanks GOD for weekends!!!! I feel like I never get a rest. It's either something here at the office or something at home or something at the church. There is never a dull moment in my life. But then again, I am sure that is how a lot of people feel. I do have something that no one else has and that is I am married to Josh Allard. Anyone who knows him knows there is never a dull moment! It's exciting and I am so happy about being married to him.

It has been three months today! It feels like we have accomplished a lot so far for it only to be 3 months. I feel like we have been married for years. Not saying it in a bad way, I just feel really comfortable with our relationship. Yeah, it's crazy to think that 3 months ago we were just getting married. If I could do that day all over again I would over and over again. I loved the feeling that I had the whole day and that whole night. It felt so great to know that I was going to spend the rest of my life with someone so awesome and someone who met all of my needs. In high school I had completely turned away from God. My life was in a downward spiral, which when I got to the end of it, I knew it. I felt like I had hit a wall and couldn't go any further. I had been in an unhealthy relationship and had many unhealthy friendships. I was living a sinful life. Anyways, after being in a community college and feeling like my life was going no where in my career and relationships, I knew that I had to do something. So I put applications out to two different colleges. One was my choice, University of Southern California, and then my mom's choice was Southwestern Assemblies of God University. I told her that I would just go to SAGU for a semester and then I wanted to transfer out. I really wanted to go to USC, but my parents knew and I guess heard God's voice saying that I needed to be at SAGU. Well, I get to SAGU and within the first week of being there I met Josh. I thought he was the hottest guy ever! I didn't want to stay at the college but I wanted to meet him. Long story short, during spiritual saturation week I got saved all over again. During that week I prayed to God to about Josh. Even before I went down to school, I prayed that God would just bring someone to me that was a christian. I wanted to be with someone that had the same beliefs as me. Josh and I have been through A LOT! and I am sure that our close friends can agree with that, but because of His faithfulness and our faithfulness to Him, we are together. For that, I thank God everyday.

Man, I didn't think that I would get into all that, but I did! I love my husband of 3 months!!!


Melissa said...

Any update on Josh's results?? We're waiting and praying! :) Hope you had a fabulous weekend!!

KriSTeN said...

hey girl! i take it Josh is ok! you know that is my youngest brothers name! Joshua Robert. pretty cool
ya my husband and i have been through a lot. our first two years of marriage were long and hard. but we made it. God is faithful through it all. i love him deeply and would not trade him for the world. i am so glad to find so many young couples so deeply in love. congrats girl!