Wednesday, March 16, 2005


41 degrees in San Antonio, wet, stormy, and I am sleepy. It is definitely a Wednesday. I would love to be in bed right now. Josh had the guys over last night to finish up writing their songs that they are making for their demo. They are really cute. They really do try and make me happy. They all went into the guest bedroom so that they wouldn't be loud. I couldn't hear a thing. It was great. I still didn't get a good night sleep. It wasn't from them though, I just had a rough night. Josh and I made spaghetti last night. When we went to sit down he was really cute. He tried to be all romantic and shut the lights off and lit some candles. It was a sweet idea, but it didn't last long because we couldn't really see the food. Well, I gotta get some work done. I will write later.

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