Thursday, July 24, 2008

the name game

Okay, so my week has been a bit more calm since Monday. I am just trying to make the time go by fast so that we can see Josh on Saturday. I have been searching the internet trying to find a name that sticks out and I can't seem to get past the name Sadie Rae. Josh and I both like it and the meaning in itself is cute (Princess). I am just having a hard time settling. I think I may just have to see her little face to name her.


Melissa said...

That's about where I was with the naming game for our little guy. Cary and I just couldn't come to agreement where we both loved a name for forever it seemed. Love Sadie Rae though! :) I told Cary that until the name was on the birth certificate, it wasn't for sure, but we're pretty sure.

RYC: I'll be in the same hospital, which I'm good with. It's further than I would like, but it's the one that takes our insurance. We have Kaiser though, so I'll get whatever Kaiser doc is on call. It worked out great last time - LOVED my delivery doctor - so I'm not to worried. I think with second and subsequent children, they really do listen to you more about what you say is and will happen during delivery, at least that was my experience. They really just let us do our thing. :)

Deborah said...

I love Sadie cute!

Mama PC said...

i like it too

i knew both of my girls' name before they were born....

but, couldn't decide on J's name until he was several days old! we had some picked.... but couldn't decide until we SAW his little face...

then, we knew... (after a day or so) and then we could commit....

it's a big thing bestowing a name on some one.... they'll live with it forever!

alicia, i wonder if you ever heard the story of when Nellie and I were expecting our second children back in 1984....

I told Happy that if I had a boy, I would name it after both of it's grandfathers Nathaniel (John's dad's middle name) and Daniel - (Happy's name) "Nathaniel Daniel Crouse"

Nellie told Happy that if SHE had a girl, she would name it after Mike's grandmother and her grandmother.... "Selma Thelma"!!!

aren't you glad Michael turned out to be a boy!!???!!!

Jenny said...

i've heard that story aunt pam...that's hilarious!

Jenny said...

good luck with the name game alicia!