Tuesday, December 12, 2006

2 Years!

Yesterday was Josh and my 2 year anniversary. My ticker is a little off and I don't know why. Anyways, we went out to outback to eat and then went and saw The Nativity. Oh my that movie was so good. It made me have a whole new look on life. I told my mother-in-law thank you for being in the room with me at the hospital when I had Caleb because I just thought to myself how alone Joseph and Mary must have felt in that manger and none of their family members were there. And then to be able to have a son like Mary had. I couldn't imagine the thought she must have had going through her head knowing that he boy was going to save the world. I have read the story in the bible and have heard about it numerous times but to see it come to life in a movie was just amazing. Josh has something planned this weekend for our anniversary but will not tell me what it is. He has just told me what to pack. I am very excited because I love surprises. Well, I will talk to ya later. Oh, yes I will get some pics up asap.


Jenny said...

congrats on your anniversary!! i was getting a little confused with your ticker. i was thinking it was on the 11th and then i thought maybe it's not. oh well, i was right. i really want to see that movie. i guess we'll go see it now. i wonder what your surprise is? i can't stand surprises? they drive me nuts. that's so sweet though. hmmm...let's try and figure this out. what is he having you pack? okay, well i'll talk to you later. thanks for the comment on my blog. you're the best! see you on the 29th!!

Melissa said...

Congratulations!! What a fun night - I love outback, and really want to see that movie! Have so much fun this weekend! Can't wait to hear all about it - I just love surprises!!! :)

Are you guys in Houston this Christmas? We will be there from the 19 (well Cary gets in on the 21st) until the 30th. We would love to see you guys!

Michelle said...

Congrats to you both on your 2nd Anniversary!!! I hope he does something really special for you. You will have to share pictures and give us an update when you get back. How is the job searching going????