Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Okay, yesterday was an exciting day. First of all, to clear everyone's mind, we didn't find out yet what the little bambino is. It is still just "the baby". The doctor said she could see something but she didn't want to make any guesses because it was unclear. So we are schedule to go back September 13th. Hopefully, we will be able to find out then what the baby is. Okay, onto the whole story though. Josh had told me that he needed to meet me over there because he had to go visit someone in the hospital and it would be pointless to drive all the way home and then back again. So I thought that is fine. Well, me not knowing San Antonio yet, I got lost, stuck in traffic, and then was behind an accident. You can just imagine my mood by the time I got there to the office. I walked into the waiting room and saw Josh sitting there with two people that had magazines in their faces. Then the magazines came down and low and behold it was Mike and Danielle or I guess I should say Pappy and Grannelly. They were trying to think of cute names to be called and those were one of the choices. They drove all the way from Houston to be with us to experience that moment. Anyways, we walked in and I had to be weighed in. I lost weight. Crazy, cause I still can't fit into any of my clothes. And then we went into the sono room. She got me all lubed up and started rolling the thing around on my tummy. There HE/SHE was! Wow, the baby had grown so much. We all could see, the face, nose, mouth, eyes, legs, knees, backbone, ribs, and the little heart beating. Oh it was so cute. Then one of the hands was up close to the head and the little fingers were moving almost like it was waving hello. :) Oh my, I was so excited. It was so amazing to see how much that little baby is growing in there. We saw the spot where the digit was, as Josh would call it, but it was still a little unclear to see it. But the doctor was able to record it on video for us and then when we come back the next time we can just add to it. After that we went to Outback and then to Target to look at the classic pooh stuff. It was a fun day. They had this all planned out since our last appointment. It was so much fun. I can't wait till our next appointment. The baby will be even more bigger. What a miracle!


Jonathan said...

Alicia- that is so exciting!! I know you wish you could have seen the "digit" but you will know soon enough! ITs so great that they came to be with yall!Awww...and that the baby is healthy and getting bigger! I miss you and hope all other things in life are treating you well! We are going this weekend to houston, to see Johns sister and her baby=)Im SO excited! I wish I could see you too!! Love you-talk to you later!!

Michelle said...

What a true miracle of God! I am so thrilled for you guys and can't wait to hear what he/she is. You have to tell us first thing!!! LOL
I'm glad it was a fun and good day for you...what a blessing!

Jenny said...

How exciting!! I knew they were coming to see you, but I wasn't supposed to tell. I can just see them hiding behind the magazines. Ha! Ha! I'm so glad that everything went great at your visit. I guess we'll keep waiting until September then.

Melissa said...

That's awesome, Alicia!! What a sweet surprise! I'm glad you are doing well and can't wait to hear more updates!!
