Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I left off with GO SPURS GO!

Okay, so Friday night Josh and I went out on our date. That was excellent. We decided that we were going to go to Benihana's. Mmmmm Yum, it was so good. On our way there we almost was hit by some idiot. I think San Antonio has the worst drivers. Seriously, they don't know how to drive. They think that yield signs mean stop and then they pull out in front of you and when you let them know that you are they by honking at them they flick you off. Not a very good city to drive in. Anyways, so that gets Josh heated pretty bad. We get to the resturant and Josh drops me off at the door. So, when I was standing there waiting for Josh to come in the doors, I noticed that he was walking in with a group of people. I saw that this guy was holding the door for him too. That guy was BRUCE BOWEN from the San Antonio Spurs!!! Oh yeah, he held the door for my husband. How exciting. So they got seated and then when they sat us, I was sitting directly across from him. That is across the resturant but I had a great view. It was rather exciting. Josh and I ate a whole bunch. The guy even gave Josh extra. Then Saturday we had to wake up and go to this all church conference at 9:00 in the morning. So no sleeping in for me. Sunday was church and then yesterday was the first day of camp. Everyday this week I have to work until 3:00 and then drive to Kerville camp to be in the worship band at night. Yeah, I will be exhausted by the end of this week. So that's that. I will write more later.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hey girl, I hope your feeling better!!! have fun at camp! Thanks for the comment. I haven't seen my brother since Fathers day. I'm sure he is having a blast though. have a marvelous day!!!