Friday, June 10, 2005

Here comes the weekend!

Well, I am very excited for the weekend to be here. I have been feeling sooo exhausted. We are going to Houston again and this time it is for Michael's 21st birthday. They are having a cook out for him at the church. So, that will be nice to see everyone again. Lately, I have been feeling like I am on a roller coaster with the baby growing inside of me. One second my stomach will be normal but then the next thing you know is that I feel like I am on the top of the roller coaster going down that first steep hill. Oh, it is very wild and then sometimes I get these girgally feelings where it almost feels like I am going to get my monthly cycle but then that passes too. I havent' had to throw up yet which is very good, but I have been nausious. Josh and I rearranged the guest bedroom so that when we are ready to start putting the crib and changing table up then we will have the space. Also, for about a month and a half one of the teens in our youth (Isaac) who is getting ready to start college in the fall will be living with us. He is just basically going to be staying with us for the summer. Both his mom and his dad live in Cancun and he wanted to attend American schools so that is why he is here. He was living with a family, but things are just getting way too crowded over there, so we welcomed Isaac to come stay with us. But once he is out of there we are going to start planning for the baby! How exciting is that. It still hasn't settled in yet. This baby is going to be soooooo blessed. I can see it already. It is the first grandbaby on both sides. My mom is already sending me a package down with a bunch of new baby clothes in it and then my mother and father in-law sent me 3 roses, two being big roses and one being a baby bud, and then a display with a diaper filled with cookies that have such cute things written on them and a balloon that said "CONGRATULATIONS". So, both sets of parents are extremely excited for this new arrival. We are all very excited! Okay, well I am going to attempt to work and will write more when I get some free time.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm so ready for the weekend!!! As I'm sure you are too :)