Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Just sleepy

I will be so glad when this first trimester is over. All I want to do is sleep. Nothing but sleep and lay around. Last night I went to bed at 9:00pm. I haven't done that since I was ten! Of course I didn't fall asleep until about 10:00pm but still. Then waking up early to go to work was a killer too. I feel like I didn't get any sleep. Man, I tell ya, this beginning stuff better be over soon. But the sweetest thing that happened last night is that I was sleeping in bed, and Josh had a few of the guys over from the youth and they were all hanging out, but he came in the room and laid down next to me. I didn't realize that he laid down until I heard a quiet voice start praying over me. He was praying for me and the baby. I wanted to wake up and tell him thank you but then again I couldn't lift my eyes open. I just thought it was the sweetest thing in the world. It meant a lot to me to know that my husband is praying for the baby and me. Well, I am going to attempt to work but when I get down time I will write again.


Jonathan said...

That's so sweet..I think Im going to cry!!

Michelle said...

I love reading yours too! That husband of yours is great!!! Have a good day!