Tuesday, June 07, 2005

New Coldplay CD

I got the new coldplay cd on my way to work this morning and I haven't stopped listening to it since. It is so stinkin awesome! I can't wait till I go see them. We go September 24th. I will be 20 weeks pregnant. Halfway through my pregnancy. That is going to be really cool to be able to tell my baby that I took them to a Coldplay concert when he/she was in my womb! I hope by then the baby will be able to hear what is going on outside of the womb. That way he/she could hear the awesome music. Okay, well I am going to finish up work here today and then we are going up to Hill Country Camp to visit. Josh's brother took his youth up there and his sister, Lacey, is there and so is my father-in-law. So, that should be fun. Although I am very tired. I feel like I have run a marathon. Talk to y'all later!


Unknown said...

So glad the COldplay CD rocks. I have been dying to hear it. Maybe I'll go pick it up today as well. By 20 weeks your babe will probably be swimming around inside you and you will probably feel it. So he/she should love the concert :)

Michelle said...

Hey girl,
Sorry I haven't updated or replied very much. I started my online class this week and have been really working on that. It is taking me more time then I thought. But not as much time as if I were in class. It's actually pretty interesting. I like going at my own pace. Well I am so excited for you and so glad that the desires of your heart came true for you. God does work in mysterious ways...who knows I may be next!! lol j/k I hope you have a wonderful day and you are trully blessed today. I have come to realize that no matter what God does take care of you. Even if you don't think you are going to have the finances He will always provide. Talk to you later