Friday, July 01, 2005

4th of July weekend!

Yeah to the 4th of July 3 DAY WEEKEND! I am so looking forward to this weekend. We don't have any plans as of yet, but I am sure we will eventually have some. It never fails. These past two weeks are over and man am I thankful for that. I thought that it would never come. I just got done eating my sandwich at my desk and now I feel nausious. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Well, Josh finally comes home tonight. He has been away all week at Hill Country camp in Kerville. I made it up there Monday and Tuesday night, but I couldn't pull through Wednesday and Thursday night. I felt so exhausted from working all day and then driving an hour to camp and then back home. The band did really great though. They have been practicing forever and it paid off. I think it was just good knowing that they were having fun and worshipping God. That is what is the most important. I think I may leave work an hour earlier than I am suppose to. Maybe I will leave at 2:00pm instead of 3:00pm. I have enough time saved up. Why not start earlier on this long weekend. We'll see. You see I am trying to debate it with myself. Oh, I found this new ticker on someone else's blog and I liked it. It gives you an idea of what is happening to the baby inside. Kinda neat I thought. Only four more weeks until I am out of this 1st trimester. Whooohoo! I haven't been as bad as some woman like throwing up but my goodness I have not felt good at all. Anyways, I have to go relieve the receptionist for lunch. But I will try to write later. If I don't get a chance to, have a great weekend!

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