Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I'm Back

My weekend was great! It was a long one too but it wasn't long enough. Saturday morning I woke up and drove to the DFW airport to pick up my parents. It has been since the day of our wedding which was December 11th since I saw my parents. I talk to them everyday but not being able to see them was pretty hard. Kinda frustrating but we will get through it. Anyways, we met up with my Aunt Dora and Uncle George for dinner at Don Pablos. It was pretty good. Then we went back to my aunt and uncle's house and my mom did my aunt's and my hair. Oh man did I need a coloring bad! Now, it will be good for a little bit. We stayed there until about 1:30am! We had fun just hanging out talking and doing nothing really. Mom, Dad, and I went back to the hotel and went to bed. We woke up the next morning and went to church. Then after church we had to pick Aunt Dora and Uncle George up for their surprise 50th Anniversary party. I got to see all of my cousins and family that don't get to see often. It always makes for interesting conversations. After we were done with the party we went back to my aunt's house and waited until it was time to go get Josh. Josh was able to get off a couple of days and get a cheap flight to come and see my parents too. The next day we woke up and went to Waxahachie to look at some house and property for my parents. They are thinking about moving down here. That made for an eventful day too. Anyways, had to say goodbye to my parents on Tuesday. That was kinda sad. I know I will be able to see them at Christmas time but that is 5 months away! Not cool.

Tuesday night, on our way back to San Antonio, we stopped by to visit Cary and Melissa and baby Carson. That was nice. We ate hot wings for dinner. That is always a plus with me. Ever since I have been pregnant spicy foods are number one on my list. I got to hold Carson for a little bit. He was so cute. He was making these little sounds like he was trying to say something and then smiling really big when I would talk back to him. Just seeing him made Josh and I more excited about what our baby was going to look and act like. Anyways, we left there and made it home around 10:30pm. I did not like the fact that I had to wake up for work today, but life goes on!

Tonight, we have Josh's brother and his youth group coming into town for a ministry tour so that should be nice. Although Michael and Melissa will be staying at our house and I haven't even unpacked since two weekends ago so you can just imagine what it looks like! Oh well, I have had no time. Well, I have got to get back to work considering it is piled high since I was out for 2 days. Talk to ya soon.


Jenny said...

I'm so glad you had a good time with your family Alicia!! Too bad you have to wait 5 months to see them again. Maybe they will move close soon...

Melissa said...

Glad you guys didn't get home too late!! It was so good to see you guys. We need to get together more often...thus is life :)

Jonathan said...

'licia, Im glad that you got to see your family, and Im sure that they were glad too! How are they? Is your mom doing good? and your sister? Well, I love you and miss you! talk to you later!