Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Only Tuesday!

Good grief. This week is going very slow. It is because I am excited about this weekend and the following weekend. I get to see all my in-laws this weekend at a beach house that they rented in Galveston and then the following weekend I get to see my parents. This weekend Josh has asked if he could have Sunday off! Yeah, to that. So, we will be leaving Friday when I get out of work and then won't be getting back until Sunday night. We are going to a place called Crystal Cove. All I know is it is somewhere down by Galveston. That should be nice to go and relax by the ocean. We are gonna go fishing too. How exciting! I love fishing. I love eating them! Yum. It's gonna be fun with all the girls there Lacey, Jenny, Jill, Lindsey, Hannah, Melissa, Danielle, Aunt Janet, Aunt Pam, and Me me. Me me is Josh's grandmother. It doesn't stand for me, but I will be there too. Ha ha. Then after we leave on Sunday, Lacey is coming back with us to visit for a couple of days. She will be able to go to the doctor's with us on Tuesday. That is the day that we get to hear the first heart beat. It's gonna be so exciting. I hope we will be able to see some of the features too from the baby. It's probably gonna still be too small to see that kind of stuff. Anyways, that will be fun. Onto the next weekend. My parents are flying into the DFW airport and I will be picking them up. Yeah! I haven't seen my family since December before Christmas! That is just way too long. I talk to them everyday but still it just isn't the same. So, Sunday we are going to my Aunt Dora and Uncle George's 50th Wedding Anniversary. Wow, that is such a long time. Josh and I have only been married for 7 months. Compare that to FIFTY Years. There is no comparison. I hope we live that long to see 50 years. After the party on Monday, Josh is flying in and then we are all gonna drive to Waxahachie. My parents want to check out some property up there. They really like that area and would like to eventually move there. So, that will be fun. Then Tuesday Josh and I have to leave to drive back. BOOOOO. I have to be at work on Wednesday and so does he. The next couple of weekends are going to be packed with fun-filled stuff to do! Got to go to work now but talk to ya later.


Michelle said...

Wow, sounds like you have two very busy weekends ahead of you. I hope you have fun with the family and you get some time to relax and enjoy the company.
You will have to post pictures of your next ultrasound!! I can't wait
Have a good rest of the day!

Jonathan said...

Hooray for you...you desreve some break time, and to see your sweet family!!