Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Back to Work

What a nice weekend it was. Josh and I went to Olive Garden on Friday night. It was so yummy. I couldn't stop eating the salad. Our waitress was really nice too. She was really excited for us. It was cute. When we first sat down she offered us a glass of wine. I politely said "no thanks, I'm pregnant". It was funny cause I guess she didn't hear me say that I was pregnant. She continued to tell us about all the other drinks. Josh finally said it again louder that I was pregnant. The girl was sorry. She was really cute. She made sure that everything was going good for us. The food, service, and atmosphere were all excellent. It was a new Olive Garden. The location was great. Saturday, we stayed in bed for a good portion of the morning. Then I made breakfast for the both of us in bed. I made omlettes and waffles and we had juice to drink. It was great. Then we got up and did a bunch of nothing around the house. Then later that evening we went to Lowe's and bought ourselves a ceiling fan with a light fixture. It feels great to have a ceiling fan now. Sidney was cute. She kept trying to follow it with her eyes so her head was going around and around. It's cute how dogs notice things. Then we watched the rest of Live 8. Pink Floyd played all together. David Gilmore sounded just like he did when they first released their album. They are amazing. They played "Wish you were here", "Comfortably numb", and couple of others. It was great. I loved being able to watch them. Coldplay was great too as always. I hope they put it on DVD. Sunday we had a celebrate America service. It was pretty good. They played a couple of videos. The one thing that I would have liked to have seen added that they didn't really emphasize was 9/11. It's like they almost forgot it. I know that day made a huge impact in my life especially since I am from that area. It just kinda bothered me that they didn't include much of that. Anyways, afterwards they had a BBQ with hamburgers, hot dogs, potato chips, and lemonade. It was pretty good. The clean up was hot having to break down everything in that heat. I thought I was going to hurl and die. After churh we went home and laid under our new ceiling fan and fell asleep. Then we woke up and went to blockbuster and rented a movie. Monday morning Josh left for camp again but this time with all the kids in youth. The rest of the day I went shopping. I can totally tell that I am moving up on the size chart. My hips have expanded a lot. I guess they are getting themselves prepared for pushing a baby out. Oh yeah and my belly is a little bit more noticeable. I have decided that my body is different than those around me that have been pregnant. They keep telling me you aren't suppose to show until the 3rd or 4th month well guess what it is starting to show in the second. What can I do! I haven't changed my eating habits, it is just happening. Anyways, after shopping I came home and collapsed. I felt like my back had been through a twister. It hurt so bad. I made myself some dinner and shared it with my furbabies, watched a little tv, and then went to bed. I didn't want to get up this morning at all and neither did Sidney. She slept with me all night and she herself was a little restless too. Bailey was out and then ready to go this morning. I love my dogs. They are great companions. Well, I must proceed to work and get ready for the rest of this week. Pray that I can get through this next week without having Josh around. I mean I know I can do it on my own but I miss having him around. It gets lonely here in San Antonio with no friends or family to hang out. Talk to ya soon again.


Unknown said...

hope your week goes by quickly without your hubby! Take care of that baby and you :) And no more talk of Olive Garden, we preggo's are going to turn into whales if we keep mentioning OG which only turns into a craving and then....oh now look what you've done :)

KriSTeN said...

hey girl. i know what you mean. i hate it when my hubby is gone. it is lonely without him. i mean a day or two is ok but longer than that gets kinda boring! have a good week girl. talk to you later! -Kristen

Jonathan said...

Hey sweetie!! Its been too long since we have talked! I know how it feels too to have your hubby gone for a week, its no fun!I am glad to hear that you are showing early...because I have this strange feeling that I will show early too!Maybe its twins!!hehe
I love you and I am glad that you are doing good...I hope the sickness ends for you soon! Talk to you soon.

Michelle said...

I did it! I posted! I hoe you have a good rest of the week, and your not to lonely. If I lived by you I would certainly keep you company. Have a good day!!!!

Michelle said...

Where you at??