Monday, June 13, 2005

Alive but not so well

Okay, so I am alive but I don't know about well. I have been feeling like I am on one big roller coaster. One second my stomach is fine but the next it feels like I have just dropped from a huge hill like on a roller coaster. I sometimes even feel a little faint. Not so good, but all else is well besides this whole morning sickness thing. I wish that they would change the name from morning sickness to all day sickness. I mean come on it doesn't just happen in the morning. On to my weekend.......I had a great family-fun-filled weekend. Friday night after work Josh and I drove to Houston for Michael's 21st birthday. When we got to my in-laws they had already got Michael's present that we all pitched in on. It was a cute white boxer. Oh my this puppy was so sweet. She is nine weeks old. So Josh's parents decided that we give the puppy to Michael that night so he could have it and they wouldn't have to worry about it. So, we all jumped in the Xterra and drove to the A&W store and suprised him. He was very happy. Then on Saturday we met up with Josh's cousins and Aunt Janet. While the boys had their fun in the Bass Pro Shop, all the girls (Aunt Janet, Danielle, Lacey, Jenny, Jill, little Haley, and myself) went shopping and Danielle wanted to take me to the maternity store to get an outfit. So, we all had fun watching me try on maternity clothes and stuffing myself with this pillow they had in the dressing room to make yourself look like you have a belly. It was fun. I loved hanging out with all of them. I wish that we lived closer that way we could do it more often. I could actually have friends that lived around me. Oh well, we'll see about that. After we left them, we went to Michael's party and ate hot dogs and talked with people from their church. That was fun too. We drove back to SA that night and didn't get in until really late. I have such a great husband cause he let me sleep the whole way home. It was nice to be able to relax. Sunday, woke up went to church, went out to eat, came home, went to church again, went to Brent's to watch the SPURS win again, and then came home and went to bed! As always, another eventful weekend. I don't think, although I am probably jinksing myself right now, we have anything going on for this weekend yet. So, that's that! I am going to go back to work now, but just wanted to throw you a little update. Hope all is well with everyone else!


Unknown said...

So sorry about your all day sickness. I was really hoping you would get to skip it all together like I did. Take it easy and make sure to eat lots of little snacks throughout the day to keep the queesies away :) And make sure to up your fiber alot!! You'll thank me later ;)

I got the Coldplay CD finally today but I can't listen to it until tomorrow because I am giving it to BJ for our anniversary. But at least I finally got it :)

Have a good day!!

Jonathan said...

It sounds like you had a good weekend...I bet the trying on with the pillow was cute, I wish I could have seen it!=) Im so sorry that you are feeling queasy though..I hope it gets better soon! love Gaitha

Michelle said...

Hey girl, I'm sorry your not feeling well...get plenty of sleep. Although I don't know what it's like to be pregnant, I will say listen to Lindsay...ehehhe
I hope you enjoy your week and you get some more energy soon!!!

KriSTeN said...

hey girl. hang in there. just rememeber to rest. get as much rest as you can and then you will feel better. the beginning is so hard. that little baby sucks everything out of you for the first three months or so... God bless!