Thursday, September 01, 2005

Today, 24 years ago my mom was going through what I am about to experience in a couple of months, LABOR. I hope that I have my baby as easily as she had me. She actually went to the doctor's that morning and the sent her home and then around 1:oo-1:30 her water broke while her and my Aunt Barb were together. So, my dad came and picked her up and they all went to the hospital. I came so fast that the doctor was still in the elevator and didn't have enough time to get there so an intern with the help of a nurse delieverd me. Pretty cool story. I was born at 4:14pm, so I am actually not 24 until that time. My due date though was August 17th so I was a couple of weeks late. Not too bad though.

A girl in the youth group last night gave me a present. When I opened it I was so excited and she said that no one had told her that I wanted to start collecting them. She got me the pregnant woman holding her belly from the Willow Tree collection. My mom had bought my first one for me and it was an angel holding a sunflower. So, now I have two. There are so many more that I want. They have a whole nativity scene too that I want. I put both of them in my china hutch and they look so pretty in there.

I am not sure what the plans are for tonight. I don't think anything really. All I want to do is go get paint and the border for the nursery that way when Danielle and Lacey get here we can just start painting. With four people working on it, we should have it done in no time. Okay, well I am gonna get back to filing for a bit. I will try to write in a little bit.

Thanks Jenny for my birthday post!


Michelle said...

I always thought those things weren't that cute but then I started working at Lifeway and saw how many there were and they grew on will have to get the one where the dad and mom are sitting and the dad is holding a baby in his arms...its so sweet. Have fun collecting them! I collect cherished teddies! i haven't gotten one in a while but I used to be addicted to ebay and so I had to stop for a while. Anyways have a great day and cheers for being 24! now you will be 25 in 11 months 4 weeks and 6 days.... did you see your ticker??

Jenny said...

I like your Birthday Story. It's so neat to know the very beginnings of before you were born. You'll be able to give your baby all the details one day too!! Oh, we just had a new client come in and they moved here from New Jersey. It just made me think of you, Jersey Girl.

Jonathan said...

Happy Birthday 24!-Yippee!!!
We are fine, we did not have power for about 2 days, but now it is up and running, but it is really madness here! We have so many evacuees from the coast and new orleans and so there is shortages on everything! Most of my family still does not have power though!! Its craziness! There is no gas, and if a station gets gas and has power then there is like a mile long line to get gas! It is amazing but all I know is going through things like this really makes me want to be already in heaven in the very ends times of the earth...when there is devestation people become desperate..and crazy! Love you-sorry to ramble! Have a great day!

Deborah said...

Have you talked to your doctor about painting? I know that there are certain months during the baby's development that you CAN NOT paint. Make sure it's ok with your doctor first!! Happy Birthday! By the way, I am best friends with Lindsay Munson, just in case you were wondering who I am!!!