Monday, September 19, 2005

What a wonderful weekend!

I had such a great weekend. The only thing that would have made it ten times better was if I had my parents here too. Anyways, Josh and I drove to Houston on Friday night. When we got in we dropped our dogs off at Michael and Melissa's house and then met the family over at Josh's parents house. We all just hung out and talked for a bit. Then we busted open the ultrasound video and showed the family. They were so thrilled about seeing him again. After a little bit Michael and Melissa went home. Then the rest of us were just sittin around for a little bit talking. Josh's dad showed us how Phoebe, their little dog, says her bedtime prayers. It was the cutest thing. Josh and I were getting ready to leave to go back to Michael's when we heard his dad going into the garage. He came back in with this 8 millimeter movies and the reel. We all sat down around 1:00am and watched the old movies on a sheet on the wall of Josh when he was a baby. It didn't have any sound but it didn't need it. It was so cute. It got me kinda choked up. It was nice sitting there watching his family watch him when he was a baby and now we are going to be doing that soon watching our baby. I love the family I married into.
The next day we all got up early, got breakfast, and went over to the sale at USA Baby. We got there early and didn' t have to wait for anything. I was having a hard time trying to figure out which one I wanted. I knew I wanted certain pieces, but I couldn't decide anything at the time. Josh was having a hard time also. We ended up getting what we wanted. THANK YOU MOM AND DAD! We got the crib, which is convertable, 4 drawer dresser, 3 draw dresser, when we flip it over it is a changing table and a dresser and then when you don't need the changing table anymore you flip it over and you can put a tv or anything on top, and a toy chest. It is all such nice wood furniture. My parents offered to pay for all of it so we didn't have to worry about it. It is such a blessing!!! I am going to have to take lots of pictures and send them to them so they can see it. I will also post pics up here too. After getting the furniture we went to Luther's BBQ and ate lunch. After that I spotted a "Dunkin Donuts"! Josh brought me over there to get an iced coffee. It was awesome. Then, we met up with Josh's family again and went and looked at model homes that Josh's brother and his wife were looking at. They were very nice and pretty decent priced too. I wish that Josh and I could live in Houston. God knows best though! After that we went back to the house. We had to go rescue Lacey because her battery went dead in her car. That took a little time and worked up everyone's appetite again. We all went to Casa Ole and had dinner. It was yummy! Josh and I left there around 6:00ish and got home to San Antonio around 9:30ish and he asked a friend if he could come over and help us unload all the furniture. They got it all in the room and after Jon left, Josh and I set up the baby furniture. We couldn't wait. We were both very excited. It looked so cute in the room with all the Winnie the Pooh stuff. Sunday was our normal day of church.
What an exciting weekend. Now, I always have to open the door to the baby's room and peek in there just to see everything set up. God is really awesome.


Unknown said...

how exciting!!! We have yet to find a dresser that we like. I can't wait to see pictures :)

KriSTeN said...

oh wow! that's awesome girl! i bet it's perfect!

Melissa said...

What a great time!! :O) And what an awesome blessing from your parents! I remember how stressful that was! Can't wait to see pictures! I bet it is beautiful - isn't USA Baby awesome!