Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Bad News

My company has closed down. That means that I will be out of a job. It is not a good situation right now. I have all the odds pointing against me, so please be praying for us.



Jenny said...

Oh my goodness Alicia!! I didn't know they were going to close this soon. I will continue to keep you and Josh in my prayers. I'm so sorry girl. I know there is something better out there for you. Everything happens for a reason. Love ya Girl. I wish you the best of luck.

Michelle said...

Hey I just got home and read your blog, yes I will be praying for you. I'm so sorry. Sometimes I wonder why things happen. But God always has a reason. You both will be in my prayers.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry Alicia...but just remember that God knew this was in the cards for you and He has a plan for you and Josh and little "Caleb". I pray for peace and direction for your family and I know God always has something great in store when it seems that there is no way.

On a good note...I think its time for a belly pic from you girl!! :)

KriSTeN said...

I am sorry. i will keep praying for you. i know things will get better. just get your resume out there. you are a great woman and a hard worker you will find an even better job!

Melissa said...

I'm so sorry, Alicia! That really stinks. I know you are probably feeling like you don't know what you guys will do, but God does. When I was as far along as you are, I found out I had lost my job because Baylor eliminated my department, and look where God has brought us! I know He has you guys in the palm of his hands, and he knows better than we do what is coming and what is in store. So try to keep your chin up and take care of yourself and your little one. We love you guys. Please let us know if we can do anything at all. REALLY!!

Oh, and I've been keeping an eye out for things for your sweet Caleb, so be sure to let me know when you are having a shower, even though I may not be able to make it all the way to SA.

Melissa said...

Oh good!! We are trying our hardest to be in Houston for Thanksgiving, so maybe will be there for your shower!! Here's hoping!! :) We would just love to see you guys.