Friday, September 02, 2005

A good time was had!

Well this is the border that is going to be in the baby's nursery. Josh and I went out last night night when I got home from work and we went to Target first to pick the border up and then to Home Depot to get paint. The paint matches the little green leaves in the border. It is so cute! So after we got all that stuff, Josh had surprised me and took me out to Red Lobster. Okay, Red Lobster is not the best seafood in the world considering I am from the shore area up in Jersey where seafood is awesome and cheaper than it is down here. But anyways, I was just glad to get a lobster. I ate the whole thing! I could have eaten more but I only got a 1 1/4. The lobster actually tasted good like ones from back home. After that we just went home and well...Yeah, we had fun. Ha ha. Then, we were going to start cleaning the house and the baby room but we just decided to go to bed and do all that today and Saturday. I got to talk to Lacey last night on the phone for a bit too. I love her and I love how it feels like I have a little sister. Not that she is little anymore cause she is going to be 18 in October but I love how she comes to me for advice and I can remember the days when I was going through some of the things she is experiencing now. Well, that is it. I can't wait for this weekend so the family can get here and we can start painting and decorating. It is so exciting for me. Yesterday was my last birthday alone without kids. Kinda weird. I will always be a mom on everyone of my birthdays now. Well, write in a little bit again.


Unknown said...

How fun.....and glad you guys had a fun time ;) Have fun painting and bordering this weekend. I want to see pics when its all finished!

Jenny said...

That border is so cute!! I really want to come see it when it's finished. Lacey is the sweetest person ever. I love her. Glad you enjoyed your Birthday.

Michelle said...

Oh that is soo cute! Good job picking it out. It's going to look so good. Enjoy your day, its almost the weekend!

Jenny said...

Hey Girl! I was just emailed the pictures of your nursery. It's so cute!! I hope ya'll made some good memories...