Friday, May 06, 2005

I'm craving the Blog!

Okay, since I got this new position I don't have to goof off anymore, I have worked after hours, and I am really tired now. But I guess that is the breaks with more responsibility. Anyways, I am craving the blog now cause I can't do it all the time now. It's pretty pathetic. You know what is also pathetic is that we went to the movies last night with another couple that are our friends from college and I was falling asleep in the movies. It's pretty sad. I feel like an old fart. I don't understand how all my old friends (crazy party people from high school that I don't talk to anymore) can work all day and then go out until like 3:00 in the morning and have hangovers the next day for work and just get up and go again. It doesn't make sense. My body would fall over and die! Well, I'm glad I am out of that scene! I don't think I have many plans for this weekend. I have a conference in the morning on Saturday but besides that I will just be making our house look pretty. The weekends are the only time that I can straighten everything up. I am going to start my day now and I will try to blog a little later maybe during my lunch break.


Michelle said...

Hey girl! Good luck on your new position...sounds like you are super busy. But thats good, it makes the day go by. Enjoy it..God has great plans for you! TGIF

Unknown said...

Wait until you are pregnant. The first movie we went to after I was pregnant...I was out cold. I never sleep in movies. AND it wasn't even a late movie. Pretty sad :) I am past that stage now but at first I was like, You've got to be kidding me, I'm having a child and suddenly I'm OLD! AHHHHHHH

Have a fun day :)I love your pup sid. The sad eyes are adorable

Matt said...

When I was pregnant I could never get enough sleep. It was a real drag.

alicia said...

Ha ha ha ha Matt you're too funny!