Tuesday, May 03, 2005

God is so good!

God is really awesome. Just when you think that you can't handle it financially anymore, God shows up and reminds you of how awesome and faithful He is. Not that Josh and I are in a huge hole but we have our regular bills and few added things ;). Money has been pretty tight since our taxes and now we are trying to get out, but I was a little afraid of what was going to happen or how I was suppose to juggle everything around to make things work. Then today as I was opening all of our bills that I got in the mail, among there was a nice fat check made out to me that was from my old auto insurance company. They had made some adjustments and realized that they owed me money!!! Praise God! He is so good. That just shows that when you are faithful and you pay your tithes and you believe that God will provide for you, He will. He is always there for you even in your selfishness He is there for you. Thank you Jesus!

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