Monday, April 11, 2005

Home sick

Everyone who knows me should know that I am from Jersey, that is New Jersey. Well, to be honest I am kinda getting a little homesick. I moved down here to San Antonio in November. The last time I saw my family was in December at Josh and my wedding. So it is has been 5 months since I have been to Jersey and 4 months since I have seen my family. I knew that I would miss home but it just starting sinking in. It normally happens when my time is not preoccupied with other things. Josh is in Houston tonight for his Dad's birthday and for District Council. Now, don't get me wrong when I say this, but it kinda makes me jealous to know that he can drive 3 hours to see his family but I have to fly 4 hours and pay a buttload of money or drive 2000 miles and pay even more money with these ridiculous gas prices. I have always been a family girl and being away from his family is sad but being away from my family is just heartbreaking sometimes. My mom is like my best friend that I can do just about anything with, my dad is a cool dad that I can do guy stuff with like going to car shows or just driving around in his old hot rod, and my sister is fun to sing with when she plays the piano. I guess I just took advantage of everything when I was younger and now I am appreciating all of it. I do know this that when I start having a family of my own that I am going to make it feel just like I felt. I always knew that I was accepted and loved at home no matter what! Well, with that said I think I am going to put my babies to sleep now and I am gonna go to bed. My babies meaning the dogs! (Bailey and Sidney) Talk to ya'll soon again!

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