Friday, April 15, 2005

Boooo to skin infections

Well, today I got to leave work early. Not for a good reason though. I had to go to the emergency room. Monday when I woke up for work I noticed that I had something on my butt hip area like a bite. It progressively got worse and worse until the point that it was swolen up like a golf ball. I tried to ignore it thinking it would go away but it didn't. Today I was sitting at my office desk and couldn't hardly lean to that one side. We have a medical unit at my work because I work at a treatment center for troubled teens. I decided to ask the med tech to look at it for me to see what she thought. She looked at it and said "Girl, you need to go to the ER". So I went and they ended up having to give me a needle to numb the area and then they had to take a scaple to open up the infected spot and drain it out. Yeh, it was gross. Now, I have a hole in my butt cheek and gauze is inside it. They gave me pain medicine to ease the pain. Oh yeh am I feeling loopy. I don't have much pain though so that is good. But please keep me in prayer. I have to go back to the doctor's office on Monday or Tuesday to get it checked out and to see if all the infection has gone away. Totally not what I wanted my weekend to be like, but what are ya gonna do right? Talk to ya'll later.


KriSTeN said...

Hey girl, did they call it a boil? i had one around that area too. but i am not good at going to the doctor or hospital for anything! so i just let it get bigger and bigger and then it popped. pretty gross. but my dad had one years and years ago and he knew what it was. so i didnt go to the doctor for it. i am sorry. hope it gets better!

Unknown said...

Wow, sounds horrible!! Sorry for your infection, and I hope it gets better soon!