Thursday, August 28, 2008

Have I mentioned...

that I love our church very much? It has been a year and a day since we moved here to San Antonio again and I absolutely love this church. The people are awesome, the worship is awesome, the Pastor is awesome, the location is awesome, etc. Everything about this church is just amazing. I am so grateful that God opened this opportunity for us to come and be youth pastors here. Yeah, it's hard sometimes not being around family but this church has so many people in it that feel like family that it makes up for the distance between our family. I am so blessed and so thankful that Caleb and the new princess are surrounded by people with such love.


Mama PC said...

what a great-looking group! i am so glad you have such a special group as your church family...

tell Josh hello from Aunt Pam and Uncle John

and squeeze Caleb for us


KriSTeN said...

aw, that's so great you guys have found such a wonderful church to be a part of. it does help with being away from family.
each month gets easier for me being here away from my family. i miss them like crazy but it's nice knowing you are creating your own life with your man and little ones you know??? and no matter where we live we always have the support of our family.
your little girl is going to be so adorable! i cant wait to see her! i hope you are doing good.
i am sorry about the house :( i will be praying that everything works out for you guys!

Mama PC said...

our favorite years when our kids were growing up were when we moved into an old ugly mobile home in a $30 lot rent trailer park - the trailer had been DONATED to our church - the heater was on the blink and had actually been the reason for a fire that caused the home to be abandoned! anyway, i knew that God wanted us to move into something cheap but clean and safe and that He would take care of us... as we listened and didn't feel like we had to HAVE IT ALL....

anyway, Linds was in 4th grade, Han 3th, J K5 - and we got that trailer moved - replaced the heater - scrubbed it down - moved most of our stuff into storage and had a WONDERFUL YEAR AND A HALF living a very basic life, not worrying about things and perfection. The fact that it was basic and kinda ugly kept the pressure off. Cooking and eating in our little kitchen, hanging the clothes out on the line when we wanted to - playing in the yard in the dirt under a tree - playing with their dog and puppies, and two new kittens that could have the run of hte house, because WHO cared if it got dirty or torn up!? it already WAS! it was like camping for 18 months! i'll never forget those times. the girls slept on a waterbed for a while that would have waves like the Gulf of Mexico whenever the washer was in the spin cycle! that spin cycle actually caused me to think that we were in an earthquake as i sat on the toilet on the complete OTHER side of the trailer

the guy who owned the water bed wanted it back, so we put two twin mattresses in the girls' room, which left no place to play on the floor, so we started standing their mattresses up against the walls so they could PLAY!

J slept in some cabinets which had the doors taken off.... and he thought it was great! they were huge craft and storage cabinets that had been built into a middle bedroom...

when your bills are lower, there is a whole lot less stress on the marriage....

anyway... you young moms... know that it doesn't matter how much you have or how perfect and magaziny it looks - it's where your thankful heart is and how you spend time loving your children and husband

that ends up being the most important times and places in your lives...

the simple life