Friday, September 26, 2008

Story time

Okay, Friday morning we woke up bright and early at 4:00am. I couldn't hardly sleep the night before for the simple fact that I was just so uncomfortable and excited. I maybe got an hour sleep. Josh, Lacey, my Mom, Caleb, me and Sadie in my belly all drive to the hospital. I got checked in around 5:45am. At 6:30 my sweet nurse, Olivia, checked me to see what I was at. I was dialated to a 3. She started my pitocin around 7:00 and by 8:00ish I had my epideral. By then I was dialated to a 4 and it increased by the hour. Around 1:00pm, our friends Kristie and Byron came to visit and so we sat there and talked to them. I was having some pretty hard contractions but just smiled through them cause I didn't want them to feel like that they had to go and plus I was enjoying Kristie's company. I knew the nurse was going to come in again at 1:30 so I just waited through each contraction. Sure enough, right at 1:30 my nurse came in to check me and I was a 10! Yeah, it was pushing time. So, she called for the doctor and said that I could start pushing. My mom held one of my legs and Lacey (my sister-in-law) held the other one for awhile. Josh stood at the end of the bed to see Sadie. It was the first birth to see for Lacey and my mom so that was neat. Lacey was so sweet and so excited. I am glad that she was there to see her little niece born. Also, I was glad that my mom made it from NJ to see it too. Anyways, I started pushing without the doctor being in the room, and when the nurse realized that I was already crowning she told me to stop. She didn't think that it was going to happen that fast and that is why she told me to start pushing just to help things along. My doctor came in and the nurse was having to hold Sadie's head in. My poor doctor couldn't get her scrub gear on quick enough and was having the hardest time putting her glove on. It kept getting stuck on her thumb. Well, that got me tickled a little bit and so I started laughing. Meanwhile the nurse is still down there holding Sadie's head in, the doctor said okay lets get another push and sure enough Sadie came out right away. I started pushing at 1:30 and had her at 1:47pm. Not bad at all. I was afraid that this was going to be more tough since Caleb's was pretty easy but Sadie was just as easy if not easier. Thank goodness for epiderals though! I have a pretty high tolerance for pain but I would hate to be caught in a moment that I would get to far and then want one and them tell me no sorry you waited too long. After Sadie came out they had to give me a shot of magnesium because I wouldn't stop bleeding. I didn't know at the time what was going on but Josh's mom told me all what happened. Anyways, we are all doing great and Miss Sadie couldn't be any cuter and sweet. She is the perfect little girl that I always dreamed of having. I feel so content with my life. I have my favorite boy in the whole world who is the sweetest, cutest, and funniest and then I have my favorite girl in the whole world who is the most precious and beautiful gift from God. God knew exactly what I wanted when He created both of my sweet children. I am so thankful for them both and I am very thankful for my husband for being such a hard worker providing for his family. I am ready for this journey now and can't wait to see what God has in store for all of our lives together.


Mama PC said...

She is so beautiful! I think she even looks a bit like Lacey!

Glad you had family nearby and that you are such a good labor-er, birther..... I hope my girls have good experiences like you do with childbirth....

Is your mom still with you?

Does Josh get some time off to stay with you for a while?

Can't wait to see you all!

Aunt Pam

Melissa said...

Aww! So sweet! I'm so glad you had another good experience! :) God really does know the perfect plan for our lives, doesn't He? :) Take care of yourself and your sweet little ones, Alicia! Wish we were closer so I could love on you all!

Gaitha said...

Awww..that's great that everything went so good:) I'm so happy for yall! Little girls are SO fun!!I think she looks like you. She is a beautiful baby girl. Can't wait to meet her!

Jenny said...

sounds like the perfect birth! you make it sound so were made for having babies.

about the soy formula...why is it bad? the doctor told us to give it a try because we've been thinking he might have a milk runs in the family. matt was on soy and my brother too. i've heard that the eczema he has could be coming from an allergy. dr said there is no way to test at this age but we could just try different formulas to see if his skin clears up.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Leash! It sounds like a piece of cake delivery, although I'm sure there is a little more to it! So great that your mom was there and Sadie Rae is so beautiful! I'm so happy for you and your family! Congrats!!