Monday, September 08, 2008

okay, so I have been a little nervous to write about this but the more and more people that I talk to say it's not that big of a deal and that all their babies were fine. So, Friday, I went in for my weekly check-up and my doctor said that I was at a lose 2 and by the time she was done checking that I would probably be at a 3. Also, she said that I was still 50 effaced. We are still holding out for Friday the 19th although the day I pick up my mom from the airport, which is Sunday, I would love to just make a quick trip to the hospital and start getting induced! Anyways, while I was in for my check-up she told me that I had Group B Strep. She said it was no big deal and that they would just hook up a bag of antibiotics when they hook everything else up. I didn't have this with Caleb and so I didn't really know what it was all about. Well, probably the dumbest thing that I could have done was go home and research it on the internet. The internet said a bunch of scary things like that if the baby gets it from the momma that they can have disabilities such as vision, hearing, spina bifida, and also may cause stillbirths or miscarriages! All of that just totally freaked me out. So I did my crying session in front of my computer while reading all of this and just totally started feeling guilty and was just praying that God would make sure that the little princess in there would not open her mouth until she came completely out of the birth canal. Then I was thinking if she is going to be anything like me she won't be able to keep her mouth shut! A little humor there. But really, I just about lost it. I should have just listen to my doctor and trusted her. She said that it was nothing to worry about and that once they start the anti then it should clear everything up. My doctor has always been calm and really laid back. That is one of the things that I love about her. Nothing seems too big. But I have talked to 2 moms about it that had it and they said everything was fine. And now reading that Melissa had it with Carter and he is fine helps me to feel better. I do know that I won't be able to sleep well until I see that she is fine although I am already having a hard time sleeping as it is being 9 months pregnant! So, please just pray for the peace of mind about the situation if you can remember us in your prayers. I know God has awesome plans for this little girl's life and that everything is in His hands.


Melissa said...

Don't worry, Alicia!! :) It really is no big deal, and the babies that do end up with complications are SOOO few compared to the amount of moms that have it. I'm a carrier and have had it with every one of my boys, and none of them have had any trouble. With Caden, I didn't even get the full round of antibiotics, and he was just fine. Also, 10 years or so ago, they didn't even know to test for it, and there were still very few babies effected. Your sweet girl will be just fine, and your labor won't seem any different either. :) So excited you're making good progress on your own! That should make your induction that much easier!!

Michelle said...

Hey girl, don't worry about have GBS I had it also. They just give you antibiotics and watch you and the baby for 48 hours. Seriously let the fear get a hold of you. I had no idea until I got to the hospital in labor that I had it and everyone said it was no big deal. I am so excited that you are that far dialated! Almost there. Babies are coming left and right.

Michelle said...

I mean don't let the fear get a hold of you! lol

Gaitha said...

I am praying for yall and your sweet little princess:)everything will be prefect!! Love you!

Jenny said...

Alicia, I heard that it is no big deal at all! As long as you get antibiotics that little girl will be just fine. The percentages of babies actually getting sick is really low. I was just like you and would look up everything online and freak out. When I was told I had placenta previa I just about lost it...the internet made it look soooooo bad. When it went away it was such a relief. You'll be just fine. I will pray peace over your thoughts. I hope she can stay put until your mom gets here.

jessica said...

hey don't worry you will be fine...i had complications from gbs (36wk labor with a high leak for 1.5 days) and the only prob for baby was she had to have iv antibiotics for 1 wk.pretty minor in the scheme of complications. I have had 2 babies since (one with no antibiotics and 1 they tried but 1.5hrs later,she was here) with no problems, and baby 4 is 33 days away! It sounds way worse than it is...

Deborah said...

I know that we are all saying don't worry...but it's hard not to!! I will keep you in my prayers and ask God to give you a spirit of peace about the whole thing. Just remember...He is in control!! I'm getting so excited for you!!!! Not much longer!!!

KriSTeN said...

i will be praying also. it's so great to read what others say so taht i to can listen and know this stuff before i have my sweet little elijah... dont stress and worry God is in control but as a new mom to be i know it's hard to listen... just know that all of us care about you and your sweet little baby girl... i hope she comes soon for you!!! :)