Monday, January 02, 2006

Baby Caleb 3-D pictures!!!


Melissa said...

Those are awesome! I so wanted to get 3-D when I was pregnant, but by the time our doc's office did that, Carson was too big. Oh well!
He looks like he is going to be such a cutie! Who do you think he will look like? I changed my mind from one face shot to the next :)

Unknown said...

oh how cute!! I wish we could have gotten those. Its so wierd to think that he is in there looking so much like a regular little person. Isn't life just amazing! Hang in there, the end is in sight!!! It will be so worth it in just a few weeks. We'd love to see a belly shot.

Melissa said...

Hey! We need your phone numbers. Can you email them to me? Your current ones were in my cell, and I lost it....

Thanks!! :O)

Michelle said...

Wow, those are awesome pictures, I'v never really seen any like that. How amazing is Technology these days. You are getting close and closer a little over 5 weeks, wow girl are you getting nervous? Excited? What more do you need to take care of? I'm glad you are well and that your trip to New Jersey went good, I hope you see your parents soon. My brother flew to India on Tuesday and they had a 3 hour lay over in New Jersey said that the plane had to be deiced, must be pretty cold there. Anyways I'm rambling, give us some tummy pictures soon! I'll be praying for you, Caleb will be here before you know it. Hae a good week

Jenny said...

Hey Alicia!! I love your pictures of baby Caleb. That is so cool!!! I can't believe I got to feel your belly and that's who is in there. His little hiccups felt so weird. I hope everything is doing well. Update me on what happened Wednesday night. My mom called me and told me, but I didn't really get all the info. Just wanted to make sure everything is okay...

Deborah said...

Love the pictures! It's amazing that there is a person on the other side of your belly! That still strikes me as unbelieveable! I hope you get to feeling better. Take care of yourself. We can't wait to see pictures of Caleb outside of your belly! Oh how fun! I know you are getting excited!