Friday, December 30, 2005

The scoop...

Time is ticking away! Christmas was here and went and now New Years is going to be here and gone. Crazy! Caleb is making his way to the world. Only 6 more weeks until that little guy is here. Josh and I went up to New Jersey and had a pretty good time. We went to my Aunt and Uncle's house on Friday night and also visited with all of my cousins. That was fun. We got to hold the twins. They are too cute, but boy would that be a handful. We had Christmas after we came home from church. Josh and I got a lot of nice stuff from my parents. They are too good to us. Then part of our Christmas gifts was we got to go to New York City and stay the night there in Time Square. We stayed at the Hotel Edison. My mom also got tickets for all of us to see the Christmas Spectacular show at Radio City Music Hall. That was a great show too. I got to go to Tiffany's and Co. and get my necklace that matches my bracelet too! It is so pretty. I had got the bracelet a couple of years ago for my birthday from my mom and then she told me that I could get the necklace to match! I love it. SOOOOO Pretty. Everything was great. We got back Tuesday night and just hung out at the house. Wednesday my mom had a mommy massage planned for me at 11:00am. It last for over an hour. It was great! The only thing that interrupted me was the little guy kicking and getting hiccups, but that was okay. I think he was enjoying it too. Thursday was okay except for the fact that I hated leaving but I knew that I will be back as soon as the baby is born so that made me feel a little better. I didn't get a lot of time to hang out with my mom like I wanted too. I did get to go the funeral home with her and do a head like we always use to do together. She does their hair and I sit and talk with her and she always makes me laugh. Pretty funny cause its a serious matter you know dealing with dead people but it doesn't bother either one of us. I'll be glad when they decide to finally move here. Don't get me wrong, Josh and I love being far enough away from family that we can enjoy ourselves, but sometimes I wish we were closer. I cared more about it in the beginning of our marriage, but now I actually appreciate it. We get along a lot better without having his parents or my parents to try and run our lives. Well, onto a different subject...I'm sorry I haven't been posting as often or putting up pictures. Life has been crazy and our computer at home has kinda taken a leave. It is very old and it just decides sometimes to freeze. So that is that.

My belly is a lot bigger because Caleb is a lot bigger. I can't wait for this little guy to come out and meet Josh and I. I just want to know what he looks like and I can't wait to see Josh holding him. Josh really deserves this! He and I are both having the first Grandbaby on both sides. That is just too cool to me. Josh has had it hard and I know that it is making him so proud to become a Dad. It makes me feel good inside to know that this is making him happy. He has had to work a lot for what he has accomplished so far in life. I am going to be wanting to see both his face and Caleb's when he comes out. It is so cute how Josh has been telling me little things like "I hope I know how to hold him", "How do you change a diaper?" I showed him the other day when we were sitting on the couch and I was folding clothes. I took a t-shirt and layed it down. I pretended that the sleeves were the tabs that you fold over to make the diaper stick. It has been pretty fun preparing for this little guy. I look back and can't believe all that has taken place since we first found out that we were pregnant. I remember waking up that Sunday morning and going to the bathroom. Josh looked over at me and was like what are you doing? Then later that day when I got to church, I whispered in his ear after praise and worship practice that there were two lines but the second one was kinda faint. So, I took another one Monday morning and then made an appointment at the doctor's. Josh and I both went together. After taking the test there, there was a double knock on the door. Josh and I were both sitting there and I kept saying I am not getting my hopes up. I am probably not pregnant. He kept telling me that I was. The doctor opened the door and said "Yup, y'all are pregnant." That quick! There was no "Hi, nice to meet you, I am doctor so and so..." It was really quick and to the point. I almost fell off the table and Josh had the biggest smile on his face! It was such an awesome feeling. There is nothing in the world that would be able to take that feeling away. She took us down to the ultrasound room and did the first one on us, but all we could see was a black blob. The next ultrasound that she did on us 2 weeks later we could see a little thing that looked like a piece of rice. Wow, did we come far! Now, only 6 weeks to go.

I just felt like remembering all those things and figured I would share them with everyone. I am sure all the rest of you moms and ones that are expecting have your own stories and each and everyone of them are special to each of us. I will update pics asap!!! Love y'all lots.


Melissa said...

Hey there stranger! :) So glad you guys had a great Christmas! I've got a package to send to you, and I'll get it out soon, I promise. Only six weeks! Caleb will be here before you know it! I'm so excited for you! I'm glad you got to spend time with your family too...I know it has been really hard for you being so far away for so long. Let me know if you ever need a listening ear or anything, because I totally know how that feels. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I've missed you!! :) I'll be praying for you guys! :)
The beginning is hard because you are exhausted and sometimes don't know what to do, but it is absolutely the best thing in the world EVER! :)

Deborah said...

You sound very happy! I can't believe you only have 6 weeks left! Boy does time fly! I'm glad you got to visit your family. I know how important that is, especially to an expectant mom/newlywed! I know these next 6 weeks will fly right by. Enjoy the time, just the two of you, cause it will be a while before you can be "just the two of you" again!!! Glad you are back in the world of blogging! We missed you!

Unknown said...

wow wow wow, six more weeks. It is going to fly by. This is when it gets hard because once you hit full term you are constantly thinking, it "could" be anytime now....and the wait goes on and on and on. I so hope you don't miss your due date!!! Just take it easy! I'm so glad to hear you got that massage. Isn't it the greatest thing ever. Enjoy these last few weeks, go on dates!! Lots of them! Take lots of looooongggg baths, because you won't enjoy them as much when you are rushing trying to get out before the baby cries. :) I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to hear that Caleb is here!!

Melissa said...

Thanks for your comment! We would love it if you guys could come out here!! You have a place to stay any time! I'm hoping that Cary will have to go to SA for business sometime soon - who knows - then I'll have to join him so I can come visit you guys and meet your handsome boy!