Thursday, January 05, 2006

Not feeling so hot

Well, last night was an interesting night. I didn't feel good since Sunday and then it hit me yesterday all at once. I went to work and was running a fever and having contractions. So, I left work early around 4:00pm. I got home and went straight to bed but that would only last for about an hour or so and then the contractions started getting a little worse that was followed by some serious back pain. So, I called the doctor and they said to go on up to the hospital. Poor Josh was all set for youth and then he had to leave to come and get me. He did a very good job handling everything, although he kept saying "should we get a bag", "we didn't even get a hospital bag packed". He was pretty cute. I told him it was nothing to worry about and that this probably wasn't labor. So we left and got there in a good time! They put me in a room and hooked me up to some monitors. We heard and watched his heart beat and then saw the numbers for my contractions. I was having contractions that were 10 minutes apart and they weren't that consistent. They also checked my cervix and it was closed. So Baby Allard is still staying in the oven. I guess he was just checking to see if we were getting prepared. Also, please be praying for my health. I am on antibiotics now, but I just can't seem to get my immune system up and running well and I don't want to be sick trying to deliver this baby. Labor is bad enough and then being sick on top of it all. Talk to y'all soon again.


Melissa said...

I am so sorry that you are feeling crummy!! I hope you get better soon! and good call going to the hospital, it's always better to be safe than sorry, and it always helped to put my mind at ease that Carson was doing okay. You poor thing! Hang in there! It will be over soon! And I'm glad Caleb is staying put for now!!!!

Jenny said...

Hey Alicia!! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. You're so kind. I will definately come visit when you have the baby. I want to be close to him too!! Love ya girl!! I'm so excited to meet Caleb. I'm sure ya'll are too. Duh!!

KriSTeN said...

Hey! it's ok. i totally understand about the blog thing. i cant keep up either. been so busy lately. have a great week and i cant wait to see pics of the baby outside your tummy! you look like you are doing great. i pray the next few weeks are good to you. God bless

Michelle said...

Girl, your almost there!!! I'm praying for you and the health of both you and your baby. I can't wait to see the face of that special little boy.