Monday, April 20, 2009

Sadie Rae is 7 Months old!

My little princess is 7 months already! I can't believe how fast it has gone. She is just a beautiful baby inside and out. She loves her brother so much. Every chance she gets she watches him. She has been trying to talk and jabber lately. She has said Mama mama several times but I think she is just trying out new syllables. I would love to think she means me but I highly doubt it. This past week she recently started to crawl. She reaches out in front of her with her arms and try to get her legs going. She bounces a little. It is very cute. She is still nursing but we are starting to wean a little. I would like to be done by the summer. It's amazing that I made it this far. After I tried with Caleb I had decided that it wasn't for me. Well, when I had her I said that I would only do it for the first couple of weeks and now 7 months later we are still doing it. It has saved tons of money on formula and I have enjoyed being able to provide for her. It makes me feel like I have accomplished a goal. I feel great about it. She has been trying to cut some teeth too with having no appetite, lots of drooling, she chews on everything, and has been fussy lately. Poor baby. I am glad that we don't remember the pain of teething. Their gums must hurt so bad. We haven't gone for a check up yet. We are still needing to do that so I can get some stats on her. We also need to get some more vaccines. We are taking those a lot slower too. Just trying some different stuff out. Things she likes to eat are avocados, apples, sweet potatoes, prunes, bananas, and crushed up mangos. Since I have been home more with her I am able to make some of my own baby food. It's fun to use the grinder wand thingy. She has also thrown her first fit. We were at Rudy's the other night and I gave her a sliver of a pickle to chew on. Well, she had sucked all the juice out of it and it was starting to get smaller and I was afraid of her choking on it so I took it away with a little force cause she was not letting go. She threw her head back and starting screaming. It was rather entertaining to watch cause here she is so little and doesn't make much noise except for when she wants something she will sound like an owl and then she blurts out with a loud yell. I felt bad but I didn't want her to choke. Well, I am excited to see what she will be doing next month but I almost don't want to see it yet. She seems to be growing up too fast! I love you my little Sadie Rae!


lindsey brooke said...

aw, she's getting too cute ;)

Jill said...

She is too cute! Enjoy every moment of her!

KriSTeN said...

oh my gosh she is precious. i love that pic!

ya we are taking the vaccines slow too. i waited till three months for his first ones and then the next will be five months... he did so well so i am not too worried... thank the good Lord!

ha i bet that was funny to watch her throw her fit. LOL it is amazing just how young they learn that stuff. elijah throws a fit if i dont feed him fast enough. in the middle of the night when i am exhausted and he wakes up and throws a fit while i am changing him i just smile. i know that he is just fine but a little mad cuz i am just too slow... there is no reason to get mad when they do that's for sure!!!! it just feeds the fire.
you are doing a great job with your kiddos. have a wonderful rest of the week. happy 7 months Miss Sadie Rae!!

oh and congrats on the nursing. it is way cheaper isnt it????