Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter 09 cont...

Well, we have to say Thank You to lots of people this year for Easter. Thank you Meme and Hap for our Easter cards. They were greatly appreciated and much needed. Thank you Aunt Missy and Uncle Donnie for filling Caleb and Sadie's Easter baskets this year! Thanks to yal I didn't have to worry about filling it. I would have loved to but I just didn't have it all together this year with Caleb being in the hospital the same week as Easter so that helped out a ton! Thank you to Mom and Dad for our Easter cards and the target gift cards inside and also thank you mom for the grocery shopping that we did together and the HEB gift card! That helped out a ton. Things are going to be tight around here since we have lots of hospital bills to pay off but it was all worth it. All the special gifts this year meant so much to our family. This was a tough Easter and will not be forgotten. I know Bub wasn't close to death but him just being in the hospital scared me so much and it hurt me so bad cause I couldn't do anything except let the aweful virus ride out it's course. I can't begin to imagine what Mary (Jesus' mother) felt like that week of Easter when Jesus was on the cross. She knew that she couldn't do anything either. She had to let it happen. That just breaks my heart for her. I have a new perspective for Easter now. I always knew what it was about and it always meant something to me and I know it is about Jesus dying for us but we also can look at the others too that had to go through it with Him.


KriSTeN said...

wow. that is so true. being a parent is rough. we get great rewards but we also suffer too. it's hard to see kids go thru pain and suffering. Mary is a tougher woman than i could ever be. Thank the good Lord He found such a great woman to bring Jesus into this world and die for us. what a great miracle. and to be able to know Him and raise our kiddos to know and love Him is the least we can do huh?
your kiddos are adorable and so sweet. i am glad yall had a good Easter despite Caleb being sick.
ps. i call Elijah, Bubba all the time. i need to call him by his name more so he knows it! LOL

KriSTeN said...

hey girl. no prob, thanks for your sweet comments...
ya we like calling him E cuz we have never been fans of the name Eli BUT it's growing on us... LOL

i hope yall had a great sunday... and i hope your kiddos are doing good. have a wonderful week and i hope everything you do goes smoothly... i wonder all the time if i can manage two kiddos...i will just take it one step at a time. i want to space them about three years. we will see what God has in mind though of course.
talk to you later