Wednesday, April 08, 2009

home and making some progress

We are back home again as of last night. After talking it over with Josh and his parents we decided it was best for Bubba to come home. Yesterday afternoon we had heard from the nurses that we were going to be getting a roommate in the hospital. That made me quite nervous to hear that. I questioned right away and said why on earth would they be bringing another child in. They quickly said back that the other child had the "same thing". So I quickly said back to them that they had never told me what Bub had and so how could they say they had the same thing. Well, they told me they were showing the same symptoms. I just couldn't accept that. So I requested a private room and they told me that they didn't have one. My Dr. had called them to tell them to go ahead and put him in one. Then he called me back to tell me they didn't have one. So, we discussed it and he said that as long as I was persistent with getting fluids in him at home then he would release him and do a follow up on Friday. The dr. said that if he were to start showing signs of him getting dehydrated again to come back immediately. It has been trying to get him to want to drink. I think I have hit bottom with this whole situation and just have to give it completely to God. One song that keeps coming to my heart through this whole thing is Still. "Be still and know that I am God". When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with You above the storm, Father You are king over the flood. I will be still and know You are God. We are going through this for some reason. Not sure why yet but God has a way of showing us things through situations like this. He is doing better as far as his spirits are but he still has the runs and doesn't want to drink all that much. Pray that I have strength to get him to drink constantly. Pray that I will have strength to take care of him and Sadie Rae. She has been a doll through this whole thing. I am so grateful for the friends I have around here offering to take her and keeping her through the night. I may not have family around but I have people that are close like family. Mike and Danielle were able to make it down for a couple of hours to see Bub and my parents will be in town this weekend. They are coming down because my cousin passed away also. They are making a double visit. So much has happened. I feel a heaviness in my chest when I sit down like this a really think about everything. It is easier for me to just live moment by moment. I need a moment by myself or with just Josh and I. We don't hardly get that. I want to be here every waking minute for Caleb but I also need my time to gather my thoughts together. When Bub was in the hospital I felt so torn cause I felt like I needed to be there for him and then I felt like I was not there for Sadie. I am filled with emotions and I just can't seem to balance them. I guess I am cause I haven't just plain lost it yet but I am close. All the prayers that have been said for our family I can feel them cause I think without them I would have lost it already. Thank you again. This too shall pass right?!


Kim Frazier said...

Alicia, I am praying for you and Caleb... praying for healing and strength. God is so good and faithful... by His stripes we WERE healed. Healing is ours today, in Jesus' name. Love you guys... I will keep praying.

Gaitha said...

We are praying! I'm SO very sorry that yall are having to go through this! All you can do is what you said, just keep giving it to God, there is nothing you can do by worrying yourself sick too. I love you sweetie, I'm glad your momma is getting to come and be with you and encourage you.

lindsey brooke said...

mucho love to you and yours, alicia...

Unknown said...

Girl, I know the feelings you are having all too well. Just do whatever you can do and God will see you all through. Lean on your support around you and do NOT FEEL GUILTY for not being able to be in two places at once. You can only be so much.

KriSTeN said...

i am so sorry Alicia. i didnt even know what was going on. i dont get on much and if i do i dont read much. i am def going to be praying for your little man. he is such a sweetie and i know that this too shall pass. God is with you all. and if you need to break down just let yourself, and you will feel much better after you let it all out. i am so sorry you are having to go through this.
i have to say that it brought tears to my eyes when he told you he loves you and that you are his best friend. having a little boy now makes me wonder day in and out if i will do a good job and if he will say that one day to me... remember, you being there for Caleb is the best medicine for him and that even though you cant take his pain away you can love him and show him that no matter what he has you! give him a hug for me.
God bless.

Jill said...

Alicia, I pray that God gives you strength and guidance to get through this tough time.
I pray your little bub is healed completely and quickly!
Know you are doing your best and don't feel guilty!

KriSTeN said...

your welcome sweetie. our kids are so precious. dont ever forget he is in God's hands every minute of every day. keep us updated on your precious angel.
i am still praying for him. you are doing such a great job. i have realized that being a mom is the hardest job on this earth. no one really tells you all the details, and once you are a mom there is no going back! hang in there. love you guys

Jenny said...

Still praying over here...hope things are getting better for all of you. You're doing great Alicia!!

Mama PC said...

need an update.. how's he doing? how are you???