Sunday, April 05, 2009

My baby boy

This last week has been exhausting. It all started last Saturday into Sunday morning. Caleb had been up all night long. When I say all night I really mean ALL NIGHT! He was coughing his head off so much that we had to give him 2 treatments. His asthma was aweful. His poor little chest was hurting so bad. In the midst of all this Sadie had woke up to throw up. But she had only done it one time so I didn't think it was a big deal. I just cleaned her up and put her back in bed. So Sunday we took him to the Texas med clinic. They gave him a steroid shot to open up the bronchile tubes to help him breathe. So Sunday night we went home and just hung out. Monday around the same time Caleb and I both started throwing up. It was aweful. That was all night Monday into Tuesday. He and I shared my bed with no sheets and just the mattress to lay on just in case he threw up on the bed. I got over mine pretty quick. I guess I had to in order to have strength to take care of him. Little did I know that it was going to last the whole week long. Yesterday, Caleb had got so dehydrated so I took him to the doctor and the doctor admitted him to the hospital. So we were at the Methodist Children's for a good portion of the day. They hooked Caleb up to an IV and ran some tests on him. He is having blood in his stool also. They did some tests on that but won't know anything until tomorrow. He has been running a fever of 103 in between the tylenol and motrin. EVERYNIGHT for the past week I have been up with him from like 2:30 3:00 until it is time to get up. We have to go to the bathroom and I sit on the floor until he is done and then I have to wipe him then we get back in bed and like literally a minute later he is saying that he has to go again. The poor baby has nothing to poop out except blood! Our conversation goes like this
"Momma, I have to go make poo poos again" "Okay, bub let's go" while he is sitting on the toilet he says, "Momma, I love you, your my best friend in the whole world". It breaks my heart. Last night as I was sitting there on floor in front of him on the toilet I just started crying while he was crying and telling me that his body hurt. I feel so helpless not being able to make whatever it is go away. Meanwhile he is telling me that he loves me and that I am doing a good job. I am thinking to myself if I was doing a good job then I would have made it go away already. I am literally over exhausted and don't know what to do. Please keep us in your prayers and pray that the tests results that come back tomorrow will have something that we can put an end to.


Jenny said...

Oh my goodness! That's horrible. I hope and pray all of you are back to 100% real soon. Caleb is so sweet to tell you all those nice things...if you weren't doing everything that you could do, he wouldn't be telling you those things. You're a great Momma and sometimes we just can't fix things...we just have to wait it out.

Gaitha said...

Oh my goodness, poor baby! We will have him and all of you in our thoughts and prayers. love you sweet friend, you are a great mom:)

Deborah said...

We are praying! I'm so sorry for you and your little family. Caleb is in my prayers, as are the rest of you guys. WE love you guys.