Sunday, April 20, 2008

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!

Caleb and his new sun glasses. I just had to add this picture because he was so proud of them!
Josh getting ready to shovel out the spot where we put the bible.
The bible before Josh loaded the dirt on it.
Our picture with the bible.
Our house from the side view. I love all our trees in the backyard!

Yesterday was an exciting day. We went and buried a bible in our foundation. We opened the bible to Joshua 24:15 for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Then we put the bible in a plastic bag so that it wouldn't get messed up. We also dated it and it had our name on it. We placed it right where the front door will be that way whenever someone walks in they are standing on the word of GOD! How cool. After that Josh prayed over the house and our "new" lives together. It was a very special moment. I thank God so much for blessing our family.


Jenny said...

that is so neat!! i love it. what a special thing. caleb's sunglasses are super cute too!

Jenny said...

ha! i just noticed that josh shaved off all of his hair!!