Wednesday, April 23, 2008

18 weeks today!

It feels like the time is going by so quickly. I can't believe I am already 18 weeks. I haven't felt much movement. Kinda weird because I felt a lot of movement with Caleb starting at like 12 weeks. I know every pregnancy is different but it still concerns me a little. I am very excited for our Drs. appointment on May 5th. That is always exciting to be able to see the little baby and to hear their heart beat. It is always so reassuring. I know that I am growing because the scale tells me how much I have grown and my clothes remind me of that too but it just doesn't seem to be showing a whole bunch of belly yet. Caleb was so cute last night. We were sitting in the living room and he came over to my belly and lifted my shirt and said "baby, in there". I told him to say "Hi baby". So he did! Then he said "I yuve you". So cute! I wanted to cry. Then as I was putting him to sleep he was almost there and with a little whisper he said "momma, have baby sister"! I don't know where that came from but it was soooo cute. We don't know what we are having and we won't know but it was too cute to hear him say that. I am sure he will be a great big brother to either a brother or a sister. Well, I have tons of house work to do and then I have to go to the church early to help Josh set up for youth tonight. Hope all is well out there with everyone.


Jenny said...

it does seem to be going by fast alicia! i was just telling my mom last night that you're almost half way...she was like, really?? i can't wait to meet your new little person. my guess is that it's a little sister too. we'll all just have to wait and see.

Jenny said...

oh, and as far as movement goes...i just felt flutters up until around 20 weeks. you're right, every baby is different.

Melissa said...

What a sweet boy! He is sure to be a great big brother!

I was feeling like I hadn't changed physically in like 5 weeks, but all of a sudden this week I'm huge! I'm sure that will happen with you at some point. Don't worry too much about the movement thing... Since your uterus stretches faster in subsequent pregnancies, the baby has more room and may not bump into you as often. ;)

LOVE the idea about burying the Bible! I've never heard of anyone doing that, and it's such an awesome blessing to put on your home from the very beginning!