Wednesday, January 23, 2008

That makes two of us running to the potty!!!

Yes! It's true. Actually, I guess I should say three of us running to the potty. We are going to be a family of FOUR!!!
We went to the doctors on Monday and found out for sure. I took a home test last Wednesday but wanted to confirm it from my doctor. My doctor was so sweet. We haven't seen her really since Caleb was around 4 months old. She walked in and said "Did you miss me?" I said of course I did but I didn't want to see you too soon! She said we were gone for so long and then we came back with a bang! Cute. Anyways, this little ones due date is not for certain yet but she said on or around the September 24th. She also told me that I can have a scheduled induction date if I wanted to beings that I live far away from the hospital. So, I am totally leaning towards that. It makes it easier for all the family to be able to plan on being there. Especially my side of the family coming from New Jersey. I can't wait!!! So, that is my new years resolution! Ha ha.


KriSTeN said...

Congratulations Alicia! i am so happy for you guys.
i hope we get to see you at Jenny's shower in a few weeks... oh and Caleb is so adorable! at least you wont have two in diapers at a time!
have a wonderful week and i pray you have a wonderful pregnancy! God bless!

Jenny said...

Ha! ha! I like the title of your post! It's so true...when you're pregnant it feels like you live in the restroom. Congratulations!! For some reason I just knew you were pregnant. Maybe because I am I can feel when other people are. See you on the 9th with your little baby bump. I don't think mine is little anymore!!

Michelle said...

OH Congrats!! That is soo excited, Iv'e been wondering when that would happen!!
Have fun with being pregnant again!

Melissa said...

YAY!!!!!! That is so exciting! :) Being a family of 4 is so much fun! Can't wait to follow your journey! Hope your first trimester goes off without too many symptoms. Yay, yay, yay!! Caleb is going to be a fabulous big brother! And you'll get to be a Mommy of 2!! So exciting! :)

Deborah said...

Congrats! How exciting!! I can't wait to follow your blog through Pregnancy #2!! How fun!! And way to go Caleb!!! What a big boy!

Melissa said...

RYC...YES!!! With Carson, I wasn't in maternity clothes until around 5 months, and with Caden I was stretching it to make it to 3 months. It's crazy... it's like your body has a memory and it just goes immediately back to 3 months or so. It's insane. Thankfully it will go up and down for the first few months just like in your first pregnancy. Just so you know though, just because you show earlier does not necessarily mean you will be bigger - unless this baby is bigger. My stomach was only different by a centimeter between the two boys, so you may show earlier, but the growth will be about the same. :) It's so fun! It will be neat to see what Caleb thinks about all of the changes. Carson was totally enamored with the idea that I had a baby in there.

Unknown said...

congratulations!!! i am so behind b ut i just saw that you are expecting again :) How exciting!