Friday, January 18, 2008


Well, Caleb has poo poo in the toilet now! He is doing really good. I just bought some of those cloth training pants so I am going to start using those. We are going to use up the diapers we have and then no more diapers!!! Yeah. Funny story that happened last night. I was giving Caleb a bath and he stands there sometimes like a typical guy and plays with his you know what. Last night he was standing up in the bath tub and pushed out a fart! Hilarious. Well, I guess it stimulated it to where he really had to go poo poo because he squatted down in the water and starting whining a little and then grunting. I turned around and sure enough I see this turd floating in the water. He was giggling and pointing at saying "Poo poo in the water"! He knows that poo poo is suppose to go in the water but I guess he got a little confused as to which water!!! So, I had to scoop out the poo poos before he would touch it. Oh my! The joys about having a little boy is amazing. He always keeps me entertained.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

ha! ha! what a cute little guy! i can't believe he learned so fast. i have lots to look forward to with our little boy! never a dull moment in the house.