Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Well, I finally have a minute to write. Caleb LOVES to be held. I get him to sleep in my arms and then try and put him down and he wakes right up and starts to fuss a little. He is too cute. He curls his lips up and makes a frown. Oh it breaks my heart. On the food side, I have been trying little by little to wean him from breastmilk to formula. I have stopped nursing but I am still pumping. I have to admit it I admire those who breastfeed for a long time, but it is just too hard for me especially getting ready to go back to work. I feel like I can't enjoy the time with him and other people because I am constantly pumping. We went to Josh's family's house this past weekend and I felt a little disconnected because I was always having to pump or worry about pumping. Anyways, I tried the Similac Advance and I don't think that Caleb's stomach could handle it very well because he threw up the bottles that had it in it. So, I have been trying Similac Isomil (Soy milk) and he seems to be taking to it very well. He still spits up a little bit but not vomiting it up like the other stuff. If you have any advice on this situation please feel free to share. I know that breastmilk is the best for him, but I just don't think I can keep doing it. It has been over a month that he has been just on breastmilk so he did get a good part of nutrition. Oh it is so confusing!

On the upside, I can't wait to go to Jersey. I leave on the 18th of this month. Then I get back on the 25th and I have to go back to work on the 27th. Man oh man. But it gets more complicated... we move into the house on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of April. Oh my word! It is going to be so busy. Thank goodness my mother in-law has offered to watch Caleb that week. I won't have to worry about him in the move. Okay, I think that is it for the update. I will post pics soon of this little bambino! He is growing so fast and becoming more and more awake. TOOO Cute. I am in love all over again. Josh is still my main man though!


Unknown said...

Ok...lots of advice for you Alicia. First off, don't feel bad one bit for making your choice. I did the exact same thing, for the exact same reason. It was overwhelming and made the transition into motherhood even harder. And it makes it worse when the baby cries, and everyone immediatly looks at you and says, Well, Mom, go feed him/her. When you know good and well they aren't hungry and there is nothing you can do about that. (sorry for the rant)

Anyway, as far as formula goes, I have heard from lots of people that babies take Similac harder than Enfamil. I have had Hayden on Enfamil from the start...she has been on the one with Lipids and Iron and that worked really good...sometimes she had a harder time going poop but that's just because her stomach had to build up a tolerance for the iron. I tried the Gentlease one too and that worked GREAT! But when she got a little older I put her back on the Iron one because she seemed to spit up more with gentlease, though her bowl movements were less strenuous. Just try some different things, but give him time to get used to it. You'll find one that works really well. I just have Hayden on the Kroger brand of the Enfamil with Iron now and she does fine...though she only has about 4 bottles a day now that she has started food.

Just don't let people discourage you in your choice. One way or the other, your baby has to eat and in the long run, it doesn't really matter if its breast or formula. Yes, breast is the best, but formula is so advanced now, that some of them are pretty close to breast milk. You are making a decision for what is right for you and Josh and Caleb, and that's the ultimate priority.

Let me know if you need any more advice or have questions about formula.

<3 Lindsay

Deborah said...

I agree with Lindsay!! I breastfed Colton for 5 weeks. He seemed very colicky...and we were worried from the start that he wouldn't be able to take my milk, because I wasn't able to take my mother's milk. So, at 5 weeks, he got the flu, and we had to go home. I was so tired and stressed out because he was sick and colicky, that I did what I had to do and put him on formula. It was the best decision for all of us. And, when I was breastfeeding, I felt like I couldn't be a normal newlywed, and go out on dates, because we had to time it all around his eating schedule. I didn't have a pump. So, I was more than willing to switch to formula. We had a hard time with formula at first. The key is to keep then on one for a couple of days to a week to actually see how they do on it. But, we switched so many times, because his little stomach just couldn't handle a lot of them. We did end up using Enfamil...I'm not sure which one. It was one of the more expensive ones, but he could take it and that's all that mattered. As he got older, we were able to switch slowly to the original Enfamil.

Just give him time, and formula time. And don't feel bad or hard on yourself. It's what's best for your family, you Josh and Caleb. I know that you will/are doing a great job.

Can't wait to see new pics!


Melissa said...

I don't have much advice, but I wanted to say good for you for making it this far, and in the long run, you have to do what's best for you both. :) You're a good mom, Alicia, so just trust your instincts! :) I hope you have so much fun in NJ, and I can't wait to see pictures!!! :)

Unknown said...

So glad to help. I know its hard to get the looks of dissappointment, but times have changed and every woman is different so you just be confident in your decision, because no way is the "wrong" way.

Caleb is gorgeous...maybe someday I'll get to see him in real life. I still think we should do a blog reunion :)

Michelle said...

I can't give you any advice on the matter but if you are doing what you think is best for your baby then that is all that matters. I'm sure Caleb is doing great and you are one of the best mom's out there. So don't beat yourself up about it, you sound like you are doing a great job. I'm sure you are so busy right now, post more pictures when you get a chance, he is sooo adorable and we would love to see him grow up on here. Have a fabulous week, and have fun in Jersey!!!!

Jenny said...

I don't have any advice girl, seeing as I'm not a mom. Just do what you think is right and that's all that matters. We need more pictures!!!! I'm sure he's growing and we want to see. Have fun in Jersey.