Wednesday, March 05, 2008

A cute little article that I read this morning after throwing up!

Actually, I just LOVE vomiting!
by The Sarcastic Journalist

Some women are lucky; they don’t get morning sickness. There are some that have a little less luck; they get some morning sickness. Then there are the rest of us, the women with weeks of nonstop vomiting. All that nonstop vomiting has a name: Hyperemesis. I have a feeling that hyperemesis is Latin for “Poor woman that vomits everything in sight.” Since hyperemesis isn’t that well known, most people tend to ask questions such as “have you tried crackers?” or “I hear that ginger works. " For many women, the only thing that works is having an 8-pound baby shoot out of her crotch. I know that people are trying to be helpful, but it is really hard not to go postal on someone offering “advice,” especially if you spent the night before in the emergency room, getting IV fluids for dehydration. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to say “Crackers? Really? That’s all it takes? Eating a few stinking crackers? I’ve been vomiting for five months straight and all I needed to do was eat a stinking cracker?”


Melissa said...

That's hilarious. Cary suggested that maybe I should just try to be more active, and that would help me not be sick so often (which isn't nearly as often as you). I asked him if he thought it would help him if he were more active when he has the flu. He hasn't made many other suggestions. ;)

Have you asked your doc for meds? I know there are many out there that are absolutely safe. One of them...can't remember the name of the drug they gave my dad for nausea when he was on chemo (I'll ask my mom if she can remember). It's a miracle drug, and is absolutely safe in pregnancy. I hope this all gets better for you soon!

Deborah said...

That is hilarious!!! I love it! Fortunately, I was not tormented with terrible morning sickness. I could actually cure mine with "those stinkin crackers"!!! ;) I'm sorry that you are having a rough time! I don't have any advice to give...which is obviously a good thing after reading that article!!! lol I'll just continue to pray for you!!! ;)

Melissa said...

Zofran...that's what it is... :)

Jenny said...


TeamThomson said...

I don't think I even know you but just wanted to say that that's hilarious (the sarcasm, not the 5 months of hyper-puking.