Monday, March 24, 2008

No more binky!

Poor Bubba! Yesterday when we were in the car, Caleb was telling me that his binky broke. Sure enough I turned around to see it and there was a huge hole in the center of the nipple where he had bit it. I told him "uh oh you broke binky". So last night when we were getting ready for bed he was asking me for it and then I showed him the broken binky and he kept saying over and over again "binky broke". I have been wanting to break him of this habit but wasn't sure how I was going to do it. I guess it took care of itself. Last night was hard though. It took me an hour and half for him to go to sleep! Not fun. Today at nap time it wasn't as bad. He did ask for it again and I handed him the broken one and he just gave it back to me. His little eyes finally started shutting and then closed. Poor baby! I feel bad cause I know that that is his security but we have given him his Mr. Bear and then his sleepy(a camo neck pillow from bass pro with a bunch of foam balls in it) which helps him to go to sleep.


Melissa said...

I think that's great! He doesn't seem to be responding too badly, so maybe he was ready too. Hope it continues to go better for him! :)

Deborah said...

I'm very proud of you!! It was hard for us. I didn't get Colton off of his until he was almost 2 1/2. I know that's aweful, but oh well. It actually went quite well, the first night of not having it! We lost our last one, so I told him if we couldn't find it, we wouldn't have it anymore. Sure enough, we didn't find it, and I had to put him to bed without it. He did great. The next day he asked for it, but I just told him we didn't have it anymore. He was fine, and didn't ask for it again after about a week.

Whatever you do, don't go back to using it!!!! I'm sure it will be fine and he will adjust quickly!! Good luck! And way to go, Mom!!!

Mama PC said...

Hello!!! Glad to catch up a bit on your busy lives... beautiful family....

we love you!!! and can't wait to see you in July? or perhaps before....