Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pray for Caleb

Well, I haven't been wanting to write because I didn't want to really come to terms with what has taken place but I guess I need to write about it to get it off my chest. On a good note, we got back from the National Youth Workers conference with Doug Fields on Monday. That was such a great conference. No resting but very informational. Monday night Caleb was coughing a bunch and instead of trying to wait it out a little I just decided that I was going to take him to the doctors on Tuesday. Well, the doctor listened to him and we talked about his history and mine and so the doctor has diagnosed him with asthma! Breaks my heart so much to know that he is having a hard time breathing. I wish I could replace my lungs for his. As a parent, you feel so helpless to not be able to just make it all better. We have been doing treatments every four hours with a spacer tube and an inhaler. We are waiting for the nebulizer to come in the mail. Thankfully, a friend of ours was able to get us one for free. We were going to have to pay $130.00 for one and I would totally pay whatever the cost to help him breathe but if you can get stuff for free why not! So that is what has hit us in the face now. Please keep him in your prayers! I had it when I was little so I am hoping and praying that this will just be a storm that will past and that he won't have to deal with this forever.


Jenny said...

little caleb is in my prayers. love you guys!

Melissa said...

I'm so sorry Alicia! I will definitely be praying for him, and for you guys! I think a lot of times it is harder for the parents - especially when the kids are so little. I will also pray that this is something he grows out of. Childhood asthma is very common, so we'll just pray that this runs it's course and he can be active and healthy. God is good! Please don't hesitate to call if you need to vent or anything! You are not alone in this, please know that! I know it is unbelievably frustrating and heartbreaking when your baby is struggling and you can't do much to help. I'm praying!!

KriSTeN said...

i will be praying for him too... my husband had asthma as a child and it disappeared as he got older too... so dont give up faith that it will go away in God's timing... :) we love little Caleb! he is precious! i agree God is very good!

Michelle said...

He is in my prayers! God will take care of this and as always you are all in His hands.

Unknown said...

I am praying for you guys and for little Caleb. I will pray for those lungs to be soothed. I know how scary and frustrating it is to hold your child while they are just struggling to breathe. We have dealt with it with Hayden her whole life. I will pray for a miraculous healing to take place in his body immediately so that he can live a pain free life and breathe with ease and for your nerves and mind to be calmed.