Tuesday, February 12, 2008

ok, so it's not fun throwing up

When I was pregnant with Caleb I felt sick but nothing like this one. Just when you think you know what you are doing as far as being pregnant you are quickly reminded that pregnancy is not the same every time! Oh my, I can't begin to count how many times I throw up in the morning. It is crazy. And it is nothing that I am throwing up too. I have to drink like oj or apple juice to keep me from passing out in the shower and by the time that I have to get out of the shower (sometimes I am on the floor of the shower because I feel like I am still going to pass out) I am ready to start bringing up the juices. Oh it is so not fun. The rest of the day I am just on edge of running to the toilet. I can feel it in the back of my throat! Not fun! I hope this goes away soon.


Michelle said...

Bless your heart! I have a friend that is pregnant too, right around the same time you and Melissa are due. Anyways she is having a very hard time with the second one too. She had a boy first and it was nothing like this. So my thought is that since it's so different and more horrible this time around that you both are having girls. :)
I will be praying for you, I'm sure it's hard having a 2 year old running around while feeling bad. Hopefully you only have 4 more weeks of feeling like this.

Melissa said...

uggghhh! I'm SO sorry you are so sick! I'm more sick this time around, but not nearly to the point that you are.
Here's some unsolicited advice that I'm sure you know already...try to eat small things often, try to stay away from. things that are too high in fat content, they stay in your stomach longer and can make you ill. eat what sounds good when it sounds good - last night the ONLY thing I wanted was refried beans (eewww) so that's what I ate. I've had the strangest cravings this time around. The other miracle things that I've found... sip a flat coke as long as you can. It has to be regular coke, and you can have 1 or 2 a day - per my doc - but the combination of the caffiene and the acid in the coke has done wonders when I'm miserable. The other thing is Propel Fitness Water. It has vitamin B6 in it which is proven to help with nausea. It at least takes the edge off for me so I can think about trying to eat something. Hope this doesn't last long for you! I know it's worse to be sick when you have a little one to take care of.

Melissa said...

Oh! The other thing I've been told but haven't tried, is to use seabands - they're those bands you wear on your wrists to motion sickness. You can get them at walmart.

Jenny said...

don't have any advice for you alicia...i never had sickness. you must be having a girl this time! just know that morning sickness usually goes away around the 12th week. not too much longer until you get to that point.

Unknown said...

i was so sick with the twins to the point i couldn't even keep water down. my ob prescribed a pill for me to take that would dissolve and i stopped throwing up pretty much immediately. You can always ask for something if you are sick of throwing up. so sorry you are feeling rough...i know it is hard and especially with a little one already. hang in there!!

Mama PC said...

well, auntie pam was sick the first 4-5 months with LindC, but only threw up a few times...(hence she never drank chocolate milk again...) remedy was to eat lots of Wendy's chili and lots of sugary cream of wheat .... those were the only to things that ever sounded good

then, i did the toothbrush trick with HannB - therefore, stopped brushing ye ole teeth in the mornings.... then, as uncle j drove me to work in the mornings (with 10 month old LindC in the back seat) I'd yell "stop the car" at about the same place every day so that I could dry heave out on the side of the road....

i think yogurt helped during my 2nd pregnancy... (2nd girl)

then, when preggo with jbird, didn't get nauseated at all! weird, huh? but, during my first 2 months with him, i didn't even KNOW that i was preggo... i was on a special diet to lose weight...and my cycles were always off anyways...

maybe the food combinations i was eating helped....

i ate fruit only in the mornings
then at lunchtime i'd eat vegetables and grains (no meat, no dairy)

then for dinner I'd eat meat and vegetables (no grain)

for snacks i'd eat veggies and grains (cereal, rice cakes)

so, maybe the healthy way is the way to go... i seriously wasn't nauseated ever with Jbird...


that's the first post you've gotten from me in quite a while.... it's late so i'd better go.... but i wanted to check in on you...and say "hello" and "i love you" and "i'm happy for you"...

can't wait to see all of you again soon.... and if not before July...when we are going on the HEIL ANNIVERSARY TRIP... i'll see you then!!!