Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A wonderful Mother's Day!

I had a great Mother's Day! So busy there was no time for pictures. We have added a Saturday service to our weekend services for our church since we are growing out of our building and it has been so busy. I am loving it but it can be trying at times. Anyways, I got a great card from my husband that was suppose to be from both the kids. Wow, I just said BOTH the KIDS. Crazy that I have two kids to me still. I love it. He cut out pictures of their faces and put it on the card on the figures. Too cute. You would have to see it to really get the picture. Then Josh got me a willowtree with a little boy and his momma standing together. I had one for a baby and his momma but now that bubba stands next to me that fits more. Then he got me a charm for my James Avery charm bracelet of a little girl for my Sadie Rae. The best things that happened was Bubba came up to me and gave me a hug and a kiss and said I love you Momma and Happy Mother's Day. Also, when I picked Sadie up between services from the nursery she gave me the wettest open face kiss! It was so cute. I love both of them so much. They gave out long stem roses with a beautiful poem attached to it for all the ladies in the church which I had to dethorn all of them on Saturday! Not fun. It hurt like crazy. But I made good memories doing it. Then they also had a chocolate fountain with lots of fruit and stuff to dunk in it out in the lobby. Oh it was yummy! We went out to eat with some of our good friends and was able to relax with them Sunday evening. So, all in all, my weekend Mother's Day was great!!! I loved it all. I love you Mom too. You're the best mom in the whole world. You have shown me so much love and I don't know that I could ever repay you for everything you have done for me. Thank you!

1 comment:

KriSTeN said...

aw i am glad you had a great mother's day!!!!
sounds like you are going crazy with church and the kiddos... i am sure it makes you so tired at times.
hope you get some rest
your kiddos are so adorable and growing up so fast. i cant wait till elijah gives me a hug and kiss... that's so sweet!!!