Friday, January 09, 2009

Sadie Rae's Progress and life

Daddy and Mommy's little angel

Well, due to some insurance issues we haven't been able to get Sadie in for well check-up since she was 2 weeks old. Thank goodness she has been a healthy baby with no problems. Yesterday she weighed in at a whopping 15.15 oz! She was 24.5 inches long and her head was 16 inches around. She is my beautiful big girl. The doctor said she looked as healthy as can be. I have had to switch her diapers back though due to her sensitive skin. She has been having a bad rash type thing in her diaper area and I thought it was my antibiotics from the breastmilk but the doctor said to go ahead and go back to the other diapers I was using and see if that works. So back to pampers it is. I had switched to luvs but apparently her bottom is too sensitive for those. She also got 2 shots yesterday. She was suppose to get 5 but I discussed it with my doctor and decided to space them out. I am a little more paranoid now with all the talk about austism that I just would rather do it this way. Caleb did it the normal way with all the shots at one time and he is just perfect but I am just nervous now because there has been more talk. Who knows maybe I shouldn't listen to the talk but for now we are just going to do things this way with her. She had a horrible time last night with the shots. She screamed for a good hour. Poor Josh had her for a little bit too while I was at worship practice but then I had to leave cause he just didn't know what else to do. It was sweet of him to try and take care of both of them and make dinner. She finally fell asleep around 8:00pm and didn't get up until about 4:00 this morning to nurse. Poor baby. She felt aweful. She is doing better today. I think on top of all this mess of the shots she may even be starting to teeth. She is drooling a bunch and her hands are constantly in her mouth. She is just now almost 4 months. To me that just seems too early to get teeth. Caleb didn't get his until he was about 10 months. So the Allard household is taking it easy this weekend. We are going to relax on our new furniture that we got. I will have to take a picture and post it as soon as I get a new battery charger for my camera. That dumb thing went missing around Christmas time. It is killing me to not be able to take all their pictures. I have a bunch of stuff that will be happening in the next few weeks. My mom is getting a hysterectimy on January 30th so I will be going up to NJ for a couple of weeks with the kids to help out. Caleb will be turning 3! I can't believe I am going to have a 3 year old. It seems like just yesterday he was born. Crazy enough I can still remember him as a newborn but not so much Sadie. It seems like she just turned into a baby. Lots of updates!


Jenny said...

Wow, Sadie is a big girl! She doesn't look or feel very big in person though. I feel bad now...I was telling you to try Luvs and now they are giving her a rash. Sorry! They seem to work fine with Camden. Oh, and she probably is getting teeth. Camden got his 2bottom teeth when he was 4 months old. I've heard of babies even getting them at 3 months and some are even born with them (crazy!). Hope you have a good time with your momma in New Jersey and that her surgery goes well. And Caleb is going to be 3...just can't believe it. Life goes by so fast when you have children. Doesn't it??? Hope you find you camera battery charger soon so we can see some more pictures of your cute little kiddos.

Melissa said...

Sweet girl. How sad that she was having such a rough time. Hope she's feeling much better today. Can't wait to see more pictures, and hope your trip to NJ goes well. Hope your mom heals quickly!

Michelle said...

Don't second guess yourself about the shots. You do what you think is best for her. I am also one of those mothers that is worried about autism.

Addyson couldn't use Luv's or Huggies, she had to always use Pampers because the others gave her rashes. We haven't tried any of them in a while because I just love the Pampers. I guess I'm stuck on them.

I can't believe Sadie is already getting so big...It feels like you just told us she was born!! She is soo adorable. I just love dressing up those girls!!

Mama PC said...


can't we to see you all again.

tell Squash hello too!

and give the kids a hug!


Aunt Pam

Jill said...

Sadie is so cute and Caleb is getting so big! I'm glad I got to meet her at Christmas.
Hailey also got her first tooth at 4 months old. I'm always telling her to slow down and stop growing up!
Enjoy your time with your mom and I hope her surgery/recovery goes well.

KriSTeN said...

hey girl
ya i am going thru the same thing about wondering about the shots. we have an amazing pediatrician for Elijah. this man told us he is "whooped on Jesus" and he is not afraid to talk to us about all the shots and studies and info that we want to know. and he spaces them out too. he says that there are no studies saying it's better to space them out but at the same time their reaction is different for each baby. i dont want to give him three shots at once if he is going to cry and be sick for a while... so i am going to pray about it and probably just space it out as much as the doctor will allow... our babies are so important to us and i know we all want to do the right thing... we just have to remember not to worry and that God has them in His hands you know??? i am so glad you are doing so well and your baby girl feels better. have a safe trip to NJ. kiss your kiddos for me!!! they are precious!