Tuesday, October 07, 2008

a minute to write

Well, I do have to admit that this time around the postpardum blues did settle in very quickly, but I do think that it had to do with the fact that so much was happening at one time. My first week home I must have cried a bilgillion times. I couldn't understand how I was going to love two kids and not just one. How was I to give Caleb attention when this little new one needed a lot of my attention too. Thankfully, Nana and Grandma were both here to help with the ease of the transition into this new life. It is still difficult though. It is so weird but you just love them both without question. I still am trying to figure out if I am going to continue nursing. I did it a little with Caleb but I got really frustrated and decided that I could enjoy him more as a baby being fed the bottle. With Sadie, she has been a lot easier to nurse. She gets it and I seem to get it more, but I am just afraid of not giving Caleb the attention he needs and so that is my problem now. For now I am going to continue nursing but I am not going to make myself go crazy over it. As far as the postpardum, I think with my hormones getting back to normal it will eventually go away. I didn't think it was going to be like this, but I guess that is what you get when you close on your new house the same day you have a baby added to your family.


Unknown said...

I totally understand being overwhelmed after the second pregnancy. It is alot to adjust to for everyone. Just don't beat yourself up about it and know that you will all find your rhythm. Don't be concerned with quantity of time with Caleb right now as much as quality. That will mean more to him in the long run.

Sending my hugs and prayers!

Melissa said...

it's a lot of change fir one day! Don't stress, Alicia. You will all find a rhythm. I second Lindsay... Quality, not quantity... It really does make all the difference. Hang in there my friend. I know some days seem never ending, mainly the hard ones... Why is that?? You'll find a new normal and balance before you know it. I'm praying for you!!

Jenny said...

i know i only have one child but i had the post baby blues also. i wanted to breastfeed so bad and i did for a little while. every time that i did, i cried. it was all the hormones i guess. i just felt "trapped" when i did it. like i was the only one that could help this child. i wanted to continue doing it but decided to stop because i thought it was better for camden to have a happy mommy. it was a tough decision but i'm glad i did it. i'm not in any way telling you stop breastfeeding. i just want you to know you are no the only one and don't beat yourself up over it. only you know what is best for your family. i'm praying for you! having one child is a big adjustment...so i can only imagine having two and moving all at the same time. wishing you the best!

KriSTeN said...

oh wow... you make my head spin with all that is going on with your life! and i havent even had my first yet...
my heart goes out to you. but yes i do agree with all of the women on here... quality is better than quantity for now... my mom had six kids and it was hard for me and my sis each time a new one was born. we were like "where is mom and why wont she play with us?" but she did just not as much and she made it all worth it... she may not have been able to do a whole lot with us in the beginning but she did make time for us and that was what mattered most to us...
hang in there girl. do what's best for you and your little ones.
i will be praying for you.